Chapter 43

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"...Hi." I managed to say to him.

It was all so surreal. One minute I was falling asleep in Hiccup's room after a tiring day of trying to connect the dots. The next thing I know I'm inside my ice castle again and standing on the balcony staring at ....him.

It was all the same when I found myself here. I was inside my chamber. Everything looked the same from the last dream. My vision is so clear -as if I was really there instead of a dream. Nothing about it felt like a dream.  And if it was, I don't ever wanna wake up.

The first thing I saw was him on the balcony. I audibly gasped, which might have startled him. It was awfully quiet in the castle, you could hear frost creeping up the walls. I had no control over my body after that. I was walking towards him without even being aware that I was. I could feel he knew I was there. There was this tension -awkward tension -between us. The last I saw him was at the top of the staircase that leads to this chamber before I woke up. and I honestly don't know what I am supposed to do or say now that he's actually there and I'm still here.

I may know everything about his life, and maybe a few points of his personality, but he is still a stranger. A very familiar stranger. Hiccup's words suddenly came to me, how the reason this is happening to me is because of my powers -our powers to control ice and snow. We have the same powers, and are the only spirits to have this kind of power. I told him everything that happened to me. All the visions. He pointed out to me that he and I were the only spirits with this kind of power to exist in the same time frame, and how he thought it was no coincidence that one is a man and the other is a woman. The way he put it, it was like we were fated to find each other. It was viable, but the only way I know for sure is right here in this moment.

He looked even more amazing than he did in his memories. He was the very definition of winter, molded into a handsome face with a mischievous spirit. The way he was looking at me reflected the way I was feeling seeing him for the first time -really there in front of me. I knew this wasn't a dream because everything was so clear. The frost on his shirt, the pallor of his skin, the detail of his wooden staff he held in his hand, and that smile that was etched on his flawless features that was really making my heart flutter in my chest. It was everything I expected from memory and so much more.

"Is this a dream?" His voice whispered, and it was as velvety and sweet as I remember.

"I can't tell. Is it?" I found myself saying.

"I don't know. I can't tell either." He said, a nervous chuckle escaping him.

"Is.... is it really you?  The Spirit with Winter Magic resurrected one night from a frozen lake?" I had to ask him.

I had to know. I don't wanna wait another second.

"I am. I am. The Guardian of Fun and Mischief and the Winter Spirit." He introduced.

"I could ask the same thing of you. Are you the Fifth Elemental Spirit and the Keeper of the River of Memories?" He asked in return.

"I am. The Keeper of Ahtohallan, Protector of the Enchanted Forest and the Bridge between man and spirit." I answered his question.

"Don't suppose you have a name, do you?" He asked, his smile growing even more.

"It's Elsa. And yours?"

"Jack." He held out his hand for me, which I gladly took -the smile on my face never faltering.

"Nice to finally meet the man I've been having visions about for days now." I blurted out, but I didn't care for some reason.

Into the Unknown-A Hicceather and Jelsa FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now