epilogue 🗝

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They say life isn't always all good. Sometimes a little bad would come around to balance it all out.

The scene was too quick for anyone to keep track off. They were in the backyard when it happened.

Jeongin's fist collided with Changbin's face as Felix and Seungmin tried to pull him off of the older.

"Jeongin stop it—" Seungmin's sentence was cut off when Jeongin pushed him away.

"No!" He pointed at Changbin. "I trusted you! I trusted you to not hurt my sister and what did you do!"

Changbin touched his bloody lip, "I didn't mean for this to happen."

"No wonder she's been crying every night. She tried so hard to hide it from me but now I get it." Jeongin exclaims. "You're a cheater!"

He tried to attack him again but Seungmin pulls him back.

Hyunjin blocked Changbin's path who was about to come closer, "Hyung, I think you should just go."

Changbin was hesitant but a crowd already formed and he doesn't want to ruin Chan's party. He looked around but didn't find Jiyeon.

He sighed, "I'll go. I'm sorry guys."

As soon as Changbin left, Hyunjin apologized and motioned for the party to keep going.

Jeongin removes himself from Seungmin and Felix' grip, "Where's my sister?"

"She's in Chungha's room with the girls." Felix answers.

Jeongin nods and faced Yua, "We'll talk later. I'll be right back."

≿————- ❈ ————-≾

Sometimes a little accident can lead into something even greater. A cost bigger than what you were preparing for and it might take you on a little detour.

While the fight was going on, the group never noticed the absence of the two older ones who were locked up inside a room.

Jiwoo sat at the edge of the bed while Minho kneels down in front of her.

"Y-you're not joking?" Minho whispers, caressing her hand.

Jiwoo shakes her head, a tear falling from her eye, "I don't joke about this kind of stuff."

Minho smiled and wiped the tear on her face, "Don't worry. We'll make this work. Together."

"You're not running away?"

"Why would I?" Minho pats Jiwoo's stomach. "This is mine and you're mine. I have a responsibility to take care of you. Well, both of you in that manner."

Jiwoo's eyed started to sparkle, "You mean it?"

Before Minho could answer, the three cats answered back with a loud meow making Jiwoo chuckle.

"Even my babies agreed." Minho says, sitting beside her. "We'll get a place of our own this time so you won't have any worries."

Jiwoo smiled, she was so lucky to have Minho by her side but luckier because now a new member is coming to join them.

≿————- ❈ ————-≾

And sometimes the thing you work so hard to build and protect, could crumble right in front of your eyes in a mere second.

Chan was inside his room looking for his polaroid camera. He wanted to photograph his friends at his first party.

It would be a great memory to show to the kids someday when they meet up again.

"Finally!" He exclaims. He found the polaroid under the bed, though he wasn't sure how it got there. "I can't wait to take a picture of the boys."

He was stood up but when he did, he accidentally hit the lamp making the picture frame beside it, fall off.

"Oh great." Chan kneeled down and picked it up. The glass was broken and the handle split into two.

Chan placed it on his desk and noticed that the photo was of the nine of them.

It was the first picture of them being complete outside the dorm. It was taken a week after Jeongin arrived.

Chan's heart started pounding, "What's going to happen?"

The door quickly opened making Chan flinched in surprise.

Woojin was panting. "Chan come quick. Jeongin just got into a fight."

"With who?"

"With Changbin."

And in that moment, Chan knew.

He knew that this was it.


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