We didn't mean to interrupt

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The girls' cabin onboard the ship

Mike's pov

Seeing the look of panic mixed with fear and regret cloak my daughter's face as she came to the realization of the reason for my visit, I wanted nothing more than to hold her in my arms and comfort her in this moment. When Julie's eyes met mine, I saw them welling with tears so I laid my belt on the bed and pulled her against my chest. Wrapping my arms tightly around her back, I began to tear up as she nestled her head into the groove between my neck and shoulder.

Her little fingers tightly clutched the fabric of my dress shirt as she cried, "I'm sorry, Mike, I'm really sorry."

Julie seemed much younger than her eighteen years of age at this moment. She reminded me of the tiny six-year-old who twelve years ago stood before me in tears, anticipating her first spanking at my hand, after throwing a tantrum upon hearing it was bedtime. I'm not sure exactly what prompted me to think of that day right now, maybe it's the fact I dread spanking my daughter now just as much as I did then, or maybe it's because she cried out the same apologies when she was six, in hopes of getting out of her punishment. Perhaps it's simply because no matter how old she is, I'll always see Julie as my little girl.

I can't help feeling overcome by regret that I missed out on the first six years of her life. I can't help but wonder if I had only known, if her mother hadn't kept her a secret from me, if I could have been there from the beginning. Would things be different now? Interrupting my reflections, Carrie, Stacey, and Lisa enter the cabin, talking and laughing.

"Oh, sorry, Mike, we didn't know you were here. We didn't mean to interrupt so we'll just go," Carrie said apologetically, upon witnessing the scene before her. Seeing one of her sisters in tears sitting next to my belt was unfortunately, a fairly common sight for my youngest.

Viewing the smiling faces and hearing the happy voices of my other three daughters, I no longer feel regret. I know I would've missed out on twelve amazing years with these three beautiful girls if I had those six years back with Julie. I wouldn't trade my time with them for anything in the world. God's plan didn't take away six years of my life with my daughter, his plan gave me three more daughters to love for the rest of my life.

"No, you don't have to go, sweetheart," I said to Carrie, as I picked my belt up off the bed, "Julie and I will finish our discussion in my room."

Julie wiped her eyes and slowly followed me as we left her cabin to head to the room I shared with Shane. When we entered, he was lying on his bed reading.

"Hey, what's goin' on?" Shane asked hesitantly, sensing a problem.

"You want to tell Shane what you did?" I asked Julie, knowing full well she most certainly did not.

"No sir," she mumbled, looking down, avoiding Shane's gaze.

Shane got up and walked over to Julie.

"I'd like to know what Mike's referring to, young lady," he said sternly, tilting her chin up until she looked at him directly.

Julie gulped and shook her head from side to side as fresh tears populated her eyes.

"Julie Elizabeth, Mike has his belt in his hand and unless you'd like me to remove mine as well, I suggest you start talking now." Shane was done asking politely and ready to take action.

When Julie gave me a pleading look, I simply cleared my throat and nodded my head slightly to indicate she needed to comply.

Julie's pov

Swallowing hard, I somehow garnered the nerve to confess to Shane.

"Mike saw me having a drink in one of the lounges." I immediately averted my eyes from the Admiral's, figuring speaking the truth should be enough, requiring eye contact as well, seemed like overkill.

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