{Chapter Ninety-Two}

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Its felt like hours since the update about Mal needing to go into surgery.

We were all in the waiting room just hoping for some sort of update already.

Mick paced anxiously around, looking deep in thought while I sat between Sharise and Alexis. I had another ice pack on my hand since it was still pretty sore.

MJ has one hell of a fucking grip.

Tommy sat across from us, his hand also still injured, trying to tie down his drumstick with medical tape he snagged from a nearby first aid kit, and a sad look on his face because of it, Bobbi picking at the tab on her coffee cup as she sat between him and Mal's cousin, Dante, and his wife.

Rachel and Sebastian had also arrived after they found out, wanting to be there for us. They sat across from me.

Mal's aunt and uncle was flying in from Tuscon soon, and Nikki's brother and sister were on their way. His grandfather was also flying in from Idaho, too.

Ever since he and Rodney found each other, they've actually gotten along really well and spent some time together, getting to know each other. I can imagine it was hard at first for Nikki finding out about his dad and all, but its good to see he's getting past it.

"Mick, you should sit down, its not good for you to be pacing like that," Heather said worriedly.

He sighed as he stopped. "I just can't help but feel worried with all the time that's passed, especially after talking to Mallory..."

"You never did tell us what you two talked about...." Heather said.

He hesitated to talk, looking at us all worriedly.

"What did she tell you?" I asked curiously.

He sighed and looked down.

"She wasn't going into labor, and because of that there were risks if she didn't soon enough," he said. "However, there are somewhat bigger risks with a c-section..."

I started getting worried as me and we all looked at each other.

"W-What are you saying?" I said, getting up from my seat. "That the baby could die....?"

"Or... Or Mallory," he sighed, looking down.

"Wait, what?!" Rachel exclaimed as he got up, immediately followed by everyone shooting up from their seats

"So she could actually die!? F-From giving birth!?" Tommy panicked as everyone suddenly looked terrified, and I started feeling scared, too.

"She was telling me that in the case that anything happened that it had to be her baby who makes it..... That if anything happened, I'm the kid's godfather and to watch over the kid, and Nikki....." Mick explained. "My guess is.... Anything happens, those are her... Her final words....."

"O-Oh my god..." I said in shock.

I can't lose my best friend... I only just got her back!! No no no, please Mal, please don't die....!!

"Everyone, hey, let's all calm down," Sharise said sternly as she held my arm, making me realize I must look like I was about to have some meltdown or something. "Okay, yes, a C-section can be risky and scary, but its rare if something bad like that happens, especially when both mother and baby are healthy."

"But you know Mallory isn't exactly 100%, Shar..." Heather said worriedly to her.

Sharise pursed her lips, as if remembering, then let out a shaky breath.

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