Chapter two

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"Mom, dad?" I call, walking down the hall to their bedroom. 

"Come in." I hear my father's reply. My face contorts when I see them both covered in the sheets, but besides that naked.

"Sorry. But where did Taylor go?" I ask. I've felt guilty since she snapped earlier. All my friends have been ignoring me literally all day. With that public outburst, everyone heard about it, but I really don't care, I just want to talk to my sister. 

"What do you mean? She was at school with you all day weirdo. Shouldn't she have come home with you?" My mom asks. I clear my throat. 

"Well, um you see, I uh, we-" 

"Spit it out."

"Taylor and I fought right before second period and she ran out. She skipped detention too. Her car was still there when I got out." I spill. 

"SHE WHAT?!" My dad roars. "Get out." He demands. I nod, exiting the room, and in less than ten seconds, both my parents are out of their room, and running past me down the stairs. "Tyler, come on." I follow behind, seeing my mom's best friends Maria, Brad, and even Owen from another room,  peek their heads out. 

"What's going on?" Maria is the first to speak.
My mother doesn't even stop running. "Taylor ran out of school. We don't know where she is."

Owen is the first to fly out of his room. He's known Tay and I the longest of anyone here besides me mother. My aunt, Dani, runs out after him. Taylor always was her favorite. I run outside, not even bothering to grab keys, I just run. "Tyler!" I hear called from behind me, but I keep on running. By the time I stop, it's probably been at least five miles, and I wasn't even tired. I just had gotten to town. I see my parents in one car, Owen and Dani in another, and Maria and Brad in the last, behind me as I dart to the park we always used to play at. After checking all the tubes and slides, I turn back feeling defeated. I'd already gotten a call that they'd checked all over.

With a final shred of hope, I run back to the school. "Taylor?" I call, running through the abandoned school. She's no where to be found. Fear piles within my stomach. What if someone took her? In our line of work, it wouldn't be surprising. But something in my gut tells me she didn't. With a sigh, I head back outside slowly. Just when it starts downpouring. I go to her car, just making sure she wasn't hiding in it. I'm about to call my parents when the football field reflects in my phonescreen. The bleachers! I run faster than I did before, sighing in relief when I see Taylor, with a leather coat draped over her shoulders, and a beanie on her head. She cuddled up against someone, talking to them, not making any move to leave. "Taylor!" My yell echos, scaring her. 

With a sigh, she climbs down from the top row of the stands, along with the person she was with. When she gets close enough to make out details through the pouring rain, I see the guy that was holding her earlier. "Tyler, what are you doing here?" Her voice is cold, compared to when she was laughing with the guy up on the bleachers. 

"Mom and dad are freaked. You need to come home, now." 

"Wha-wha-wait." The guy cuts in. "Booger here is actually your brother?" He bursts out laughing. Taylor laughs along with him, nodding. 

"Booger?" I ask, actually hurt. Why is she siding with him? I'm her twin brother, and yet she's laughing and making fun of me with someone she just met today.

"Yeah, your hair." She laughs, not noticing.

"Well then. Thanks sis. I guess I'll tell mom and the other's that your good, just with your little boy toy." I sneer, before storming away. I know this seems stupid, but we've always had each other's backs. She has been my best friend since birth, and now... I don't know now.

Nothing like this has ever happened, as weird as it sounds.

"Ty, wait up. Chill, we were just joking around." Taylor catches up to me. 

"Great for you." I growl. 

"What's your problem?" She skids to a stop right in front of, so I try to go around her, but she continues to block my path. 

"Taylor, I'm not in the mood."

"Yeah and I'm not in the mood for your bullshit so spill." She demands, looking up at me. She's probably mmm... 5'6, 5'7 somewhere in there and I'm 6'4. How I ended up taller than even my father, we'll never know. 

I roll my eyes. "Fuck off Taylor. I have a family to get home to now." I move past her, hitting her shoulder with my own as I go. She stays there frozen at my low blow. I take my phone out, calling my mom. "I found her. She's at the bleachers."

"Oh thank God. Let me speak her to honey." She sounds relieved, telling the news to the other's. 

"Can't. You'll have to call her."

"What do you mea-" I hang up. I walk to the park slowly, thinking about everything. I put my earbuds in, putting on depressing music to fit my mood, turning it up until I can't hear anything from the outside world as I sit, slowly rocking on the swing I always sat on. 

How could she do that? I thought it was 'bros before hoes'? I mean, I know that's for guys, but at the moment, I think from her end it's pretty accurate. She always says I'll be first. And this is the first time I'm not. 

I don't know how to feel. 

Besides upset that is. 

But how else should you feel, when the person you cared about most, in the entire world, that you would not only die for, but more than that, live for, hurts you?

I may be being overdramatic but I was scared. Terrified, just to find her messing around with some dickwad.

I just sit there, letting the rain hit me, soaking every inch of me. 

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