Chapter eighteen

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"What the hell Zayn?! How long have you had that fucking video?!" I bellow as soon as we find Taylor gone, still outside. 

He stares back at me, with absolutely no emotion. "Three weeks." 

I can't stop my fist flying towards his face. 

Zayn stumbles back, wiping the blood off his now busted lip. "I deserve that." He sighs. "I wanted her to tell you Tyler. Would you have believed me if I had told you when I beat the hell out of Ashton that he raped her?" 

"Of course, if you have the-"

"Don't, say, video. You wouldn't have waited to hear me out. You would have gone all ballistic, accused me of lying and saying, 'That shit isn't funny Zayn,' and storm out of the house with Taylor being dragged by her bruised ass wrist."

My eyes widen. That's probably what would have happened.

"B-but how, how could this happen? I know for a fact that Taylor is stronger than that bastard." I sit down on the porch steps, cradling my head in my hands. My baby sister. Of all people, it was my baby sister. I'm not saying it should happen to anyone, but Taylor... Tay doesn't deserve it. Sure, she's killed people, tortured people, anything it takes in the mafia, but never without a justified reason. 

Zayn runs a frusterated hand through his hair, opening his mouth to speak but he doesn't get the chance before a female voice cuts in. "She hasn't been eating. And if she does, she throws it all up, whether it's forced or because her stomach can't handle it, depends based on the circumstance." My parents, Zayn, and myself all turn to look at Santana. "That night you heard us fighting Zayn, she was mad at me for taunting her about her eating disorder." 

"You did fucking what?" My dad growls. 

"Adri, calm down." My mom places a hand on his arm, but despite her words, they don't start the sharp glare towards Santana. 

"Look, forget it. Just know that she needs help." With that, she's gone.

I go back to holding my head in my hands, resting them on my knees. "Fucking hell. How couldn't I have noticed? Nobody noticed that she was slowly killing herself." 

"Technically I-"

"Zayn this is not the time." I huff, knowing that he is right. He did know. He kept trying to tell me, but I wouldn't listen. Yet it takes some fucktard raping my baby sister for me to realize. "Ashton." I pop my head up, looking at Zayn. "Come on." I walk over to his car, opening the passenger side door and sitting, as Zayn walks over slowly, confused. When he starts the car, he finally looks over at me.

"Where to?" I smirk at the fact that he doesn't even ask. I tell him the address, that I knew because of how often my parents would have to go there to pick my sister up from sleepovers or something. 

He just drives, not speaking or making any other noise. "Wait, stop." I suddenly say, noticing a familiar car a few houses down. "Pull over." I tell him, to which he does. From my current angle, I can see my sister in the front seat.

"What the fuck is Taylor doing here?" Zayn growls. He goes to get out, but I am quick to lock the doors.

"Just wait. If anything happens, we'll be ready." I pull out my gun from my holster on my belt. Zayn nods, reaching over and grabbing his own from the glove box. He knows about my family and us being the Italian Mafia. In fact, he is a part of the American Mafia. Both of our parents know the situation, and neither are all the happy about it, but they have tried stopping us from being friends before and it failed miserably so they signed some dumb contract saying, we couldn't talk about what they other was doing and stuff.

We don't even wait a minute, before the front door of the house opens, revealing Alisha, who looks over her shoulder and around her, before darting the short trek to Taylor's car. Once she is seated in the passenger seat, they look at each other and I catch their lips moving for almost no time at all and then they are hugging. 

I look over to find Zayn just as confused as myself. "That is Alisha, right?" He asks, voicing both of our thoughts. 

"Uh-huh." I nod, confused. They are like the enemies of all enemies. 

Pretty soon, they drive away and Tay's car is no where in sight, so Zayn and I get to work. 
"Dad! We have a present." I call out through the house, many hours later. We stopped for food on the way back. That took awhile. My mom comes flying down the stairs, followed closely by my dad. My mom gasps, and my dad smirks when he sees the bloodied body at Zayn and I's feet. My dad beckons one of our guards over with a slightly crook of his finger, telling him to bring him down stairs to one our many cells. We have many things in the lowest level of the mansion, a few being our own prison for people who have wronged us, spies from other gangs or Mafias, like my mother was many-a-years ago, or really whatever we need. Another is the pool room, and weapons room. Taylor and I's favorite place in the building. 

"Nice going. How'd you do it?"

"It was simple really. You'd think they'd have a better security system than notification five minutes later." I roll my eyes, answering my dad's question. 

He nods in understanding. "You wanna have a go at him?" I immediately shake my head. 

"I think TayTay should get to." Zayn nods in agreement with my statement. "Speaking of, is she back ye-"

"Dad! I need help!" 

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