Chapter fourteen

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I slowly open my eyes, finding myself now fully clothed again, in an oversized sweater from UCLA, and sweats. But, they aren't mine. Mine are completely shredded in a pile next to me. I bring them to my nose, attempting to discover whose they are, but with a whiff of the fruity perfume, I have no luck. I sit up, confused by what happened. When it all comes back to me, tears immediately sting my eyes.

How could I trust him? I was so stupid! I'm in the fucking Mafia for Christ sake! I should know these things! I groan, but cringe at the pain I immediately feel in my throat. I guess I screamed a bit too loud. I begin sobbing as I feel the pain, every where on my body.

With a sigh, I pick up my phone to call someone to pick me up. I call Tyler first, out of habit, praying that despite what words we exchanged earlier, he would pick up. 

But he didn't. 

I called Emma, and then Brooke, but neither picked up. I even called Danny, but he didn't. 

I sob louder when not even my parents picked up.

Finally, I call Zayn. "Pick up, pick up, pick up. Please." I beg through my tears. 

"Taylor?" His voice travels through the line.

"Thank fuck." I whisper. Another sob escapes my lips, but think time out of relief. My next words come out in a rushed babble. "Could you come pick me up? Ashton brought me out here but after everything happened he left. I'm still here though. I tried calling my brother and our friends, even my parents but no body picked up. Please Zayn, I don't know what else to do I-" 

"Woah, Taylor, calm down. Where are you?" His voice turns slightly worried. 


"I- I don't know. Fuck!" I cry out. I kick the shredded pile of clothes out of frustration, but when I do, a paper falls out. Austin Forest. That's all it says, but it's more than enough. "W-wait, it's A-Austin Forest. By a lake. Uh, Bee Lake I think." I tell him. 

"Okay, I'll be there in five." He hangs up, leaving me alone. I begin crying even harder, staring at the now dried white goop on the ground where I was previously laying. 

True to his word, he was there in less than five minutes. Most likey, because of speeding.
"Taylor! Taylor, what happened?" Zayn flies out of my baby towards me. When he sees the tears streaming down my now puffy cheeks, he immediately rushes forward to hug me, but I am quick to step away, not wanting to have any human contact at the moment. He steps back, as I fold my arms around myself, acting as some sort of shield. His faces morphs to one of confusion, hurt flashing across those beautiful eyes. But, he masks it with his normal stoic expression and cold eyes. "I won't ask again, Taylor. What, the hell, happened?" He asks harshly. I flinch. I should have just let him touch me... He probably hates me. 

"Nothing." I answer a bit too fast. "Uh, let's just go." I walk over to my car, flipping down in the passenger seat.

He shakes his head, staying in the same spot for a bit, staring at the ground from what I could tell from behind him. Tears sting my eyes as I think about everything that happened. My throat is soar from the nonstop screaming for Ashton to stop. My neck hurts from being choked. Between my legs is throbbing in pain from the constant harsh thrusting in and out. 

Fingers snap in front of my face, dragging me from the flashbacks of what happened just a bit ago. "Taylor! Jesus what the hell is wrong with you?" He rolls his eyes, making me wipe the tears streaming down my cheeks. 

"Sorry. And thanks for picking me up. I'm sorry for bothering you." I mutter. 

"Yeah." He finally starts driving at a slow speed. It's about three minutes of an awkward silence before he breaks it. "Those are not the clothes you left in with lover boy."

"Don't call him that." I snap, memories of what he did still fresh in my brain. "But you noticed me leaving?" 

"Yeah. What happened to your clothes?" 

"We went swimming so he gave me an extra pair he had in the trunk. Chill." 

"So that's why your's were in pieces?" He snaps. I cringe at it. 

"They got caught on a branch and ripped. We fought, he left, I called you. I don't need your help, so let it go." I sneer back.

Why didn't I just tell him? It would be so much easier... 

"Jesus, I'm so sorry I showed concern. I'll make sure not to do it again." I hear him mummer, "You don't have to be such a bitch."
 "Shut up bitch!" 

I shudder, shutting up for the rest of the ride. 

All I want is my brother right now. 
The door bursts open suddenly, revealing a pissed Zayn, followed by my sister, who looks miserable. "TayTay?" I asks, worried about her when I see her puffy red eyes, and bruises forming around her neck and mouth. 

"Ty." She runs towards me, wrapping her arms around me and burying her head in my chest, sobbing into me, and by the sounds of it it wasn't the first time tonight. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She sobs. 

"Shh, shh, it's okay." I glance up at Zayn, mouthing, "What happened?" To him, to which he shrugs, rolling his eyes. I frown at it, but don't say anything as I continue comforting my baby sister. 

That night she had me sleep with her in her bed, while Emma, Brooke, Danny, and Zayn sleep in my room. 

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