Chapter forty-one

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"Excuse me? One little predicament?" Taylor sneers, stepping closer to me. Zayn gulps, looking worried.

"Yes. You ran instead of fucking coming to me Taylor. I'm your twin! I couldn't find you for almost seven years! Just to find out that you had a kid with that-"

"Call my daughter that bastards kid again, and I will make sure you never, ever have them." She snaps.

"Munchkin, calm dow-" 

"Not the time!" Taylor and I both exclaim, making us glare at each other.

"Jesus, fine." He backs up. No one else seems to want to mess with either of us currently.

"Tyler, I ran, because I found out I was pregnant, and I was scared. Can you really look me in the eye and tell me that you would not have taken her away? That she would still be alive, out there, at school, if I had told you?" She points towards the door, then her hands smack down against her sides in defeat. Tears appear in her eyes, making me gulp. "Maggie, is the best thing that has happened to me. She is my life, my joy, my reason. Why can't you just get that through your thick skull?"

"What about me?!" I yell, every emotion I have felt since she left raising to the surface. My hands rake painfully through my hair. "Why wasn't your twin enough?? Why wasn't your family, enough??"

"Tyler-" My mom begins, but I hold up a hand to stop her.

"I didn't have a fucking choice in this!"

"You could have gotten an abortion!"

"No! No Tyler, I couldn't have." Taylor replies sharply. "The faster you understand that I will choose Maggie over anyone, the better."

With that, she walks by, knocking her shoulder against mine, opening and slamming the door.

I stand there shocked.


Is a child really that important?

Everyone, even Brooke's new PA is glaring at me. Even Brooke.

Zayn comes over, smacking me upside the head. "Fix things with her or get out."

"You're going to kick me out because I messed things up with my sister?" I ask dumbfounded.

"Damn straight. Go. Now." Brooke demands, crossing her arms and glaring at me angrily.

God that's hot.

Huffing, I go out and to the door labeled Private Assisant.

I go to knock, but hear her begin to speak. "This is Taylor.... What do you mean she got in a fight?... She is suspended for the next three days?... Alright, I'm so sorry for this. I'll be there as soon as I can." I hear a sigh. "Goddamn this kid is in kindergarten and already starting fights."

I don't think before opening the door, but quietly so it startles her when I speak, "Sounds just like her mother."

She jumps, momentarily looking up at me before huffing and grabbing her jacket, walking by me, but I grab her wrist, making her stop and face me.

"Please TayTay. I'm sorry. You have to understand my side of this. I have been looking for you for years, and now when I do, I find that you have a child, that my best mate and girlfriend, already knew about." I pause, taking a deep breath before I continue. "Bring me with you." Taylor's head snaps up.


"Let me come with you. Let me meet my niece." Despite it coming out as a command, I really am nervous, and wondering if she would allow it. Her eyebrows furrow, obviously confused.

"God. You turned into dad." She mutters. I fake offense.

"Excuse me? I would never!"

"Yes you have. You are bipolar. Just like him." She cracks a smirk.

"Hush child. You have one to go get." I scowl. She laughs, nudging her head to the side as I let her arm go.

"C'mon slow poke."


The ride back from Maggie's school was eerily quiet, besides Taylor asking Maggie a few times what her fight was about and getting a shrug in respose. 

Taylor and I didn't say much on the drive there, and then her daughter was a little chatterbox getting in the car, but the second she saw me she got quiet. Thankfully we didn't hit any traffic on the way back, making us arrive quickly.

"Where were yo- Princess?" Zayn explodes as soon as he sees Taylor walk through her office door, but then calms when he actually sees both her and Maggie.

And Taylor talks about my mood swings.

Taylor huffs. "Maggie got in a fight at school. I had to pick her up and forgot to tell you. I'm sorry."

Zayn raises his eyebrow at the small girl. "Oh yeah? What was the fight about?" He asks, patting his leg. She giggles and runs over to him, hopping up. Taylor watches it, as she puts her phone on her desk and throws her jacket over her chair, in which she sits down in after. "Princess..." Zayn says, bringing me back to them.

My niece shrugs again.

"Someonesaididonthaveadadsoiwasntcoolandwhenitoldthemididhaveadadtheystartedmakingfunofyou." She grumbles incoherent words.

"What was that?"

She pouts, crossing her arms. "Someone said I don't have a dad so I wasn't cool, and when I told them I did have a dad, they started making fun of you."

Zayn chuckles at Maggie's response, and Taylor huffs at the fact that Zayn could get an answer out of her but she couldn't.

"Princess, can I let you in on a little secret?" Maggie nods excitedly. He leans in like he is going to whisper, but I reality, he talks loud enough for us to hear too. "You are one of the coolest people I know, okay? You are strong, funny, and so adorable. You are just like your mama, and that right there, means you have cool, in your veins." I smile at the interaction.

"I don't care about being cool, I care about them making fun of you." She groans. Zayn's smile widens, as does Taylor's.

"I think I can take it princess, but thank you." He kisses the top of her head, before setting her on the ground and standing up. "Let's go. We have people waiting for us, and then Taylor we have the one o'clock meeting with the folks from... that one soil company." He looks confused about the name.

Taylor laughs. "Yes we do. With Mister McDonald. Let's go." She ushers us out of her office, Maggie running ahead, me in the middle, and Zayn with Taylor in the back. "And for your information, I and not adorable." I hear her huff, making me laugh.

"Yes you are Munchkin!" Looking over my shoulder, I see Zayn pinch Taylor's puffed out cheek, making her slap her hand away violently.

I really missed my sister.

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