Chatper ten

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Everyone is standing in Taylor's room, waiting for her to wake up. Well, a lot of people. Z, Danny, Brooke, and Emma are standing off to the right side of her bed, Zayn never stopping his pacing, as our parents sit on the other side with me, Danni, Owen,  Brad, Maria, Rose, and Riley. I even called Ashton to update him on her, since they have gotten closer in the two months since school started. He couldn't come over, but he said he'd want to know when she woke up. "Zayn, calm down." Brooke attempts to soothe him. 

"Yeah, she'll be okay." I continue. 

"Oh and you know that how?" He snaps at me. "I told you! I told you, something was wrong, but did you listen? No! You said she was fine. Does she look like she's fucking fine now, Tyler?" He's still breathing hard as he glances at my unconscious sister. I stay silent, letting him take everything in. Him putting his emotions on display is a rare sight in front of lots of people, and over a girl at that. But I get it. She's his best friends little sister, oh course he is worried. "No... No she is not okay." He mutters. A tense silence falls over the room, only to be broken by a small groan.

Everyone's heads snap to Taylor. 

"Hey babygirl, how are you feeling?" Our dad asks his awakening daughter. 

"Fine." She says sitting up, like what happened was nothing. 

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Our mom and Emma ask in sync. 

She shrugs from her place on the bed, moving over so that I can sit next to her. "I feel fine, honest. I was probably just dehydrated." Danny reaches down, grabbing her water bottle from her bag, handing it to her. "Thank you." She smiles at him. She takes a big swig, before looking around the room. "I um, I'm sorry to have worried everyone." She says. 

After making sure she's okay for a while, everyone goes back to what they were doing before. "You need anything, just call us. We'll be right down the hall, okay sweets? Any of you actually." My mom speaks up as they exit the bedroom, leaving my sister, our friends, and myself. 

"Are you sure you're okay Tay?" Brooke asks, coming over to my side of the bed with Emma since Zayn won't leave her side and Danny won't leave Zayn. She just laughs. 

"I'm fine. Now what do y'all wanna do?" She asks excitedly. Emma shares a look with Brooke and then Taylor, leaving them all smiling. 

"Spa night!"
"I can't believe you guys made us do this." I groan. Emma is painting her and Danny's nails pink, Brooke is painting her's and my own purple, and Tay is painting her and Zayn's black. Again. 

"I like it." Danny smiles cheekily. Zayn rolls his eyes, but doesn't say anything as he gazes down at my sister's hand holding his as she strokes the brush against his nails.

"You let us asshat." Brooke replies, wiping the polish across both of my cheeks. 

"Hey!" Everyone laughs at my voice going about a trillion octaves higher. "You know what? I'm ordering a pizza." I huff, calling, careful not to mess up Brooke's hard work. We all pile onto her bed, somehow the six of us fitting, when the pizza arrives. Danny being Danny, he runs down the hall to get to the five sets of stairs down, tripping and falling after the third floor. Emma rushes down to help him, while everyone else waits for her report, but I catch my sister and her friend trying to stifle their laughter, which fails miserably. They are still on the floor laughing, when they come back up with the pizza. "Alright, up you go." I give both of them a hand, and we go back to my sister's bed. 

"You get any of that nasty ass grease on my bed, I swear to God I will gut you and stuff every one of your intestines in a sardine can." She threatens. 

"Jesus Christ Munchkin." Zayn bursts out laughing. I decide to just set the box on my lap, letting everyone grab pieces when they want, as we watch The Fault in Our Stars for the ninth time. By the time it's over there is only one piece of the original twelve. "Taylor, you want it?" Z asks, turning the lean on the footboard across from my sister. 

"Ehm, I uh, I..."

"I'll eat it!" Danny shoves the slice whole into his mouth. Emma and I laugh, as everyone else looks sort of disgusted. "What?" He asks through a mouthful of pizza. 

"Why did you become friends with this dingbat?" Brooke turns to me. I shrug, laughing. 

"He's cool." Danny smiles at my reply. 

"Shut your fucking mouth." Zayn smacks the back of his head, luckily not making him choke. 

Taylor clears her throat. "Anyways... Your choices now are, San Andreas, or IT." She speaks up, picking up two movie cases. She smiles evilily at the horror movie. 

"Hmm, I was think, we should try something new. We've seen these movies a thousand times, why not switch it up?" Zayn says. 

"What did you have in mind?" Brooke asks. 

"Do you have... To the Bone?" He asks my sister, giving her a look. I watch as she gulps. 

Then she clears her throat. "I um, I don't believe so." 

"I do." One of the fellow teens that lives here, Santana, stands at the door, dangling the case before her index finger and thumb. "You know, it's funny Taylor, you let me borrow it!" She continues, smirking. 

When we saw it at a friend's house, she burnt it onto a DVD so that we could watch it, since she didn't want to pay for Netflix. 

"Well then, thanks for dropping it off." Taylor sneers, walking over to her, going to snatch the movie from her wicked hands, when Santana grabs her arm harshly, digging her nails into her clothed arm. Everyone, including Danny and Emma shoot up, ready to help her. I know we shouldn't feel threatened by this bitch, but her around Taylor scares me.

Before we can even move, she is done muttering whatever she had to say in her ear, dropping the move and walking away. With a deep breath, she turns, the movie in hand, and puts it in the DVD player. When she crawls into the bed with the rest of us, which again, by some miraculous things, we all fit in, she presses play on the remote, and we all settle down, watching the touching movie, munching on popcorn. 

Everyone eventually falls asleep. 

The next day we all stay in her room, playing stupid games and watching movies. 

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