Chapter nine

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"You two stay here. I have to grab something quick." I sigh, grabbing my wallet and hopping out of the car. Before I leave, I peek my head in through the open window. "Touch anything, and I will hurt you. Both." Before they can get an answer out, I walk into the drugstore, in desperate need to get another box of the familiar pills. I search the shelves for the appetite suppressant, picking it up when I see it. 

"That'll be 14.99 please." The guy behind the counter says. As I hand him my debit card, I catch him assessing what little of my body he can see. 

"Can I help you sir?" I snap, suppressing a yawn. 

"Sorry." He rings it up, throwing it in a bag and handing it to me. I thank him, walking out the my car and popping the trunk, putting the bag in it. When I get back into my baby, I find Danny laying down over the backseat and Zayn tilting his head back, most likely in frustration. 

I can't help but laugh. "What did he do this time?"

"He said he, 'Wants to have a period, so that he knows what it's like to wear a pad'." He groans, glancing back at his friend. 

"First of all Danny, get your fucking feet off my seat," I demand, making his legs slip off the leather. "And second, go for it." I throw him a backup pad I have in my glovebox in case my tampon leaks. The only problem with that what I had to lean over Zayn, in the process touching him. I glance over at him, finding him already looking at me. I feel myself blush as I give him a small smile and look away, biting the inside of my cheek. I begin driving, trying to calm my racing heart. "Hey, sorry for the wait." I tell my friends when we get to the house. They were sitting on the hood of Brooke's car, on their phones and talking. I pop the truck and grab my bag and the drugstore bag, as Danny and Zayn walk out of the car and join me, grabbing their bags too. 

"You had to put that little bag in the trunk? Why?" Danny asks, laughing with a little snort at the end. Zayn throws his bag over his shoulder, before tossing Danny his own. I feel my heart race again, and my palms get sweaty as I come up with a quick lie. 

"It's just something to help with cramps. I didn't want you to steal that from me too." I glance at the pad sticking out of his sweatshirt pocket. He shrugs. 

"What's up with that?" B asks, throwing her arm over my shoulder. She tilts her head towards Danny. 

"He wanted to know what it was like so Munchkin here, gave him one." Zayn speaks up, ruffling me hair. 

"Fuck off." I growl, shoving his arm away. He just laughs. 

"Ooh, can we go swimming!?" Danny squeals, just as I shiver. 

"Danny-boy, it's November. Not the time to go swimming." Emma explains kindly. He pouts. "Wait, Tay, didn't your parents build an indoor pool this summer?" I gulp, realizing she was right. 

"Ehm, uh, y-yeah. I guess we could while we wait for these numpties to leave with Tyler." I sigh. Em and Danny squeal, before running into my house. B and I walk slowly behind Zayn. "So," I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively at her, making her roll her eyes. 

"I'm not getting with your brother." She huffs. I simply laugh in response. 

The girls get ready in separate bathrooms, while I change in my bedroom. I out on a black bikini, before brushing my hair and putting it up. With a quick glance at my brush, a sigh escapes my lips. After having anorexia for at least a year, my hair has begun to fall out. It's just a few clumps at a time, but soon somebody will notice. Finally, I look in the mirror. I haven't lost any weight this entire time. If anything, I'm constantly getting fatter and fatter. With a quick look at my door, I reach under my bed, grabbing my scale. When I step on it, I cringe at the number. Where was this weight coming from??

With a final shake of my head, I kick the scale under my bed, grabbing a hoodie and sweatpants to cover the disgusting thing I call my body. 

"Hey TayTay." My brother walks into the pool room, inhaling deeply. "Ahh, chlorine." I can't help but laugh. 

"Hey man. Your sister here won't join us." Zayn swims over to the side, where I'm sitting. "She won't even put her feet in the water."

"Aww, come on TayTay." He nudges me. My slight smile is wiped off my face when a sudden wave of dizziness sets in. 

"Uhm, n-no, I'm good. I t-think, I'll just head upst-stairs." I stand up on wobbly feet, taking deep breaths in attempt to get this to pass. I stumble out of the room, gripping the railing when I almost fall backwards down the stairs. The door at the top of the stairs opens, revealing my parents. 

"Sweetie, are you okay?" My mom asks, coming down the stairs after my father who immediately came rushing down the stairs.

The pool room door also opens, and Zayn comes through, grabbing my arm as I begin to sway, just as my parents reach us. 

"Y-yeah. I-I'm fine." 

"You're definitely not fine Taylor." He sneers. 

"C'mon, we need to get her upstairs." My dad tells him, running upstairs. Zayn picks me up bridal style, following them with me in his arms. 

"What the hell is going on?" I faintly hear my brother yell. 

"We don't know!" My father calls back. I feel my eyes begin to roll back. 

"It's okay, it'll be okay." Zayn mutters as everything fades to darkness. 

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