Chapter fourty-six

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"What about your degree?" Brooke asks as we sit alone, just the two of us, at a local coffee shop. She said she wanted to catch up, and all shes done is talk about my experience with having Maggie.

"Since we moved around so much, it was hard, but I just did it online. There was a LOT of sleepless nights." I laugh.

"How was the pregnancy?"

"Painful. I don't exactly think my body was ready to have a child, but it was nice not having my period for nine months." I say, then think about my words for a moment. "The month or so afterwards was a bitch though. I don't think I ever stopped bleeding, and it hurt like hell just to use the bathroom. But, honestly I don't really think about those things all the often, as long as I see Maggie now and how much of a little angel she is. I got really lucky- B! Why are you crying honey?"

My eyes widen when I see Brooke bowing her head down and tears slipping onto the table. I slide out of my side of the booth and quickly as I can and slip into hers, pulling her into a hug.

"Baaaby, what's wrong?" I can't help but laugh a little.

I laugh at the worst fucking times.

It's a curse.

"Tay... I want a baby. I told Tyler and he just ran off." She cries.

"I thought you said our parents called?"

"I didn't want to say anything in front of Zayn incase he was judging me or something." She admits.

"Honey..." I sigh, hugging her tighter. Brooke cries a bit longer, before sitting up and wiping her eyes.

"I'm gonna go clean up, okay? I'll be right back." She says, motioning to her mascara streaked cheeks. I stand up, smiling at her as I go to the other side of the booth.

Glancing behind me, I make sure shes in the restroom before whipping out my phone and very aggressively dialing my brother's number.

"H-yello." He greets naturally.

"You best get your ass down here right now. I told you Tyler, if you hurt her I hurt you. Fix it." I growl.

"What?" He asks dumbfounded.

"She was being vulnerable with you Tyler. You have never wanted kids, and neither did she, but now she does. She told you something like that, and you walked away. That isn't how this shit works."

I hear him sigh on the other side. "But TayTay... I don't know how to react to that. 'Oh okay, let's go make a baby! Then we can raise it in our mafia home until it hates us and moves out never to see us again.'" He says mockingly.

"Just talk with her Ty. See it from her perspective. If it was really meant to be, which it best be, because I've only seen the look you two give each other with mom and dad, then it'll all work out. Now, I love you bro, but I gotta go. Come to the coffee shop on 8th Street though." With that I hang up on him.

If you can't even give good advice to adults, how are you supposed to raise a daughter who will need tons of it, dumbass.

"I am back!" Brooke announces proudly, dramatically standing in a 'superhero' pose with her hands on her hips. I can't help but laugh at her.

"Feeling better?"

She hesitates, before nodding definitively. "Yeah, yeah I am. Thank you."

"What are best friends for?" I ask, dramatically flipping my hair over my shoulder.

She laughs at me, distracting her from my smirk as I see Tyler already pacing outside the cafe.

He was already here.

"I, have to go. You, stay here." I tell her, throwing the needed money onto the table.

"What? Why?" She asks panicked.

"Calm down babes. I'll talk to you later. Update me." I blow her a kiss, making my way out the door, but her voice stops me momentarily.

"Bye little Ducky."

I blush when I realize she was referring to this morning, sticking my tounge out at her before continuing out the door, reaching my brother in no time. "Ty, chill. It'll be fine. All you have to do, is spill your guts to my best friend, pray to God it goes well or I will beat the shit out of you, and go from there. Now shoo." I shrug.

"Wow Tay, real reassuring." He huffs.

"I know, now go." I shove him into the building, smiling as he makes his way to Brooke, sitting across from her. He begins to speak, grabbing her hand.

They are too cute.

I head back to my place, expecting to be bombarded with hugs from my little girl, only to find silence. "Hello? Anyone home?" I ask, setting my jacket on the kitchen table, it currently being December. It's so weird to me that it's been over five months since Maggie started in early August.

Super early compared to when I started school. I mean Goddamn let the kid enjoy summer.

Then again she gets out a month earlier than I did.

Right, back to figuring out where everyone is.

"Helllllooo?" I drawl, huffing when I get no response. I whip out my phone, calling Zayn as I lean against the table. I immediately begin talking as soon as I hear the little beep that he picked up. "Zayn I swear to God if you don't tell me where you went with my daughter I will pound you so ha-"

"Woah, woah, save it for the bedroom Taylor, that's nasty." I hear Jacob gag. Fuck.

I blush realized what it sounded like I just said.

Imagine what they must think of you now idiot.

"I meant beat him stupid. Get your mind out of the gutter." I huff, ignoring my thoughts.

"Come to the park. We have a surprise for you. Bye bye now." Hailey speaks next.

"Wait don't I get to talk to he-" Zayn rushes out before a little beep cuts him off.

Why the park? I mean Central Park is gorgeous, but why would he be taking Maggie there?

Eh, let's go I guess.

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