Chapter forty-seven

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"Hey baby..." I start. To say Brooke looks shocked would be an understatement.

Like so under, it could have a gravestone.

That doesn't make sense.


"Tyler?" She cocks her head to the side, looking like an adorable lost puppy.

I sigh, reaching across the table and grabbing her hand, stroking my thumb across the back.

"Alright, just hear me out, okay?" She hesitantly nods. "I don't want to be a dad, because I don't want to disappoint you, or the kid. I didn't have the greatest relationship with my dad growing up, and I told myself, that I would be the best dad I could be. But that's the thing. I didn't think I ever could be a dad. A father maybe, but never a dad. Which is one reason I didn't want kids." Brooke's face falls. "But, I will do whatever I have to to be with you."

She looks away from me.

It goes silent for a few minutes, in which I catch Brooke's bottom lip tremble slightly and her eyes water with unshed tears. 

Taking a deep breath, she returns her sad gaze to me, sending me a sad smile as she speaks. "I love you for that." She tells me. "And I would have been ecstatic... if you hadn't said, you have to. Ty, I don't want to force you into anything, but I really, really want kids." She let's out a shaky breath, allowing one lone tear to travel down her beautiful face. "Which is why I don't think we should stay together."

"W-what?" I stutter. "You can't be serious Brooke. I- I said I would. Please, don't do this." I beg, an unfamiliar sting in the back of my throat and burn of my nose taking over me.

"I'm sorry Ty, but I love you, and don't want you to regret having a kid just to be with me." A few more tears fall from her blue eyes, killing me. She squeezes my hand lightly, before standing up. "We should get going. Zayn needs us at the park." She tells me, her voice shaking, and cracking in the middle of it.

What just happened??


"Okay, is everyone ready?" Zayn asks nervously, pacing around our small spot at the park.

"Calm down, it'll be fine." Hailey assures him.

"Daddy daddy look! Uncle Jakey bought me ice cream!" Maggie runs over, completely oblivious to what is about to happen.

"Oh yeah? What flavor?" Zayn kneels down by his little girl.

"Polution!" She exclaims proudly. Zayn just stares at her, blinking slowly.

"Honey, its neopolatin." Jacob corrects her with a laugh.

Zayn chuckles at her mistake, opening his mouth towards her. She smiles happily, taking a big spoonful and shoving it in. "Mmm, that's yummy." Maggie nods in agreement with his statement, before running over to me with it. She smiles up at me.


"Hey little one. Are you excited to see your mom soon?" I ask crouching down by her.

"Yes!" Her smile widens.

"Yeah? That's good." I think for a moment before asking her a question. "What do you think of Aunty Brooke?"

"She's amazing!" She replies giddily.

"Would she be a good mom?" I can't stop myself from asking the little girl.

Goddamn that weird stinging in my nose and throat is back.

Maggie nods energetically. "You and Aunty B should have the storks give you a baby, but in a nice way. Not like they did my mama." She leans in and whispers, "She thinks I don't know, but I know she's the princess and you are the prince."

"I'm a prince now?" I ask, acting over dramatically shocked, making her giggle.

"Okay, just a few more steps." I hear Brooke's voice, making my heart feel as though it's just been ripped out of my chest.

"Why do I have to close my eyes??" Taylor whines.

"Shut up, you'll see." Brooke laughs, reminding me of a quote I heard once.

"It hurts to see you laugh, knowing I'm not the reason behind it anymore."

God I'm being a baby about this.

I mean, it's just breaking up with not only my high school sweetheart, but the love of my life.

Totally fine with it.

Not a big deal.

It's fine.

Everything is fine.

"Okay, open." Brooke tells my sister, facing her away from Zayn. I see my dad on the other side of them, with his camera out recording.

Taylor opens her eyes, study the park in front of her. "What am I looking at?"

"Turn around." Emma directs from the sidelines, holding Alisha's hand.

The scenery for this moment is perfect. Fairy lights strung between trees, soft music playing in the distance, family and friends gathered around. Taylor is in surprisingly perfect attire for the situation. I say surprisingly because she is wearing a dress on a normal day, which is strange for her. She's wearing a white lacy, country style dress, with a brown braided belt around her waist.

In Converse.

Taylor turns around, shocked to see Zayn in a suit with her favorite flowers in hand-

Black roses.


Maybe I should start calling her Abby.

Gibbs would be so proud.

"Zayn... what's going on?" Taylor asks hesitantly, taking the outstretched flowers from him.

"Munchkin, you make me so happy. When you are around, I feel free, excited, never knowing what the next day will bring. You are so important to me, and I don't know how I lasted six years without you in my life. I love you so much, it hurts me when you aren't around."

As Taylor's eyes begin to water, he gets down on one knee, holding her hand and opening the box with the one of a kind ring in it.

"I've already talked to your parents, and brother, so Taylor Marie Garcia, will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

Taylor's hand is covering her mouth, with tears running down her face, as she nods, muttering, 'Yes,' over and over again happily.

A smile spreads from ear to ear on Zayn's face as he slides the ring onto her finger, standing up and wrapping him arms around her. And, like ever cliche proposal, he spins her around, before setting her down and kissing her deeply.

"Ewwwww cooties!" Maggie exclaims, shielding her eyes from the sight. They pull away, both laughing. Maggie runs over to them, being picked up. "Does this mean daddy is going to be with you mama?"

"Yeah baby." Taylor smiles.

"Yay daddy!" She yells out.

Looking at them smiling and laughing with all our friends and family, my heart pangs again as I look at Brooke, the stinging sensation back.

I want this.

I want this with Brooke.

I'll do anything to get it.

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