Chapter forty-two

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"So Taylor, I see you gained some weight, good job, I'm proud of you." I cringe at my mother's statement.

Through clenched teeth, I give her a fake smile as I reply, "Yeah. Childbirth will do that to you."

Zayn gives me a warning look.

"How was yours? I know with you two, I couldn't-"

"Ew mom, I don't want to know that." Tyler gags. I can't help but frown.

"Mags was fine. The month or so after sucked but it was fine over all." I tell her gruffly. I honestly do not want to talk to her about this.

I already feel like a disappointment.

I don't need this adding to it.

"Taylor!" My dad warns, making me roll my eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at me missy!"

"I'm a big girl now daddy." I say sarcastically in a baby voice, before rolling my eyes again and walking out.

I'm really thankful Hails already picked Maggie already, as I go into my office, shutting and locking the door behind me. My throat burns as a single tear rolls down my cheek.

God Taylor, you are so stupid. Why would you cry over something so small? Dumbass.

I sign when I hear my phone ring. Huffing over to it, I pick it up holding it to my ear. "Andrews Co., this is Mister Andrews PA how may I help you?" I recite the memorize message.

"Munchkin, are you okay?" I hear Zayn's quiet voice.

Good going idiot. Now he is secretive around his friends and it's your fault.

Shaking the thoughts away, I sound as cheerful as possible. "Yeah, sorry. Just so much of them you can take ya know?" I laugh, hoping he can't hear the fakeness of it. I hear him sigh.

"I'll cancel the meeting with Mister McDonald."

That's a big deal he could be making. Don't mess something like this up over something so insignificant.

"No!" I exclaim, groaning. "Don't. It's fine. I'll be out in a few minutes, I just need to cool down." I think for a moment, my eyes widening. "U-unless you would rather me out there now. I can! Ya know, I'm gonna come out there now-"

"Taylor, sweetheart, calm down. You're okay. I'm just going to go downstairs and call Mister McDonald, okay? I'll get him to come here instead. And then I'll come back and bring the girls and your family out." Zayn soothes

"Okay..." I nod even though I know he can't see me. "Thank you Zayn." I whisper.

"It's no problem." I smile, pulling the phone away from my ear, just in time to barely hear, "Anything for you."

Are you dumb? Of course he didn't say that! Now on top of being stupid you are delusional. Great job Taylor.

My smile quickly turning into a frown.

He couldn't have said that.

This time I begin sobbing, coming my mouth with my hand to stop my pained cries from escaping.

Stop being such a baby over nothing!

How can something go from amazing to horrible in such a short amount of time?

It's your fault. Everything is your fault dummy.

I guess that's right. I really am being a baby.

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