Chapter thirty-six

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Deciding to just go back for it as fast as I can, I press the elevator button repeatedly. Thankfully, it opens right away. It effortlessly glides up, thankfully no one stopping it. I practically run across the floor, barging into Zayn's office. He looks up from his computer shocked, before seeing it's just me. "Why are you here again? I thought you left?" He asks. I walk over, much calmer, and grab my phone, giving it a little wave.

"Forgot this." I laugh. He smirks.

"Ahh, that was my plan all along." My jaw practically ends up on the floor. He bursts out laughing at my reaction. "Chill Munchkin, it was a joke."

I scowl at him, opening my mouth to say something, when I get cut off by a bellow coming from outside. A familiar one too. "ZAYYYYYYYN!!!"

"Fuck." Zayn and I say in sync. "Hurry, under the desk." He directs, making me follow his instructions, climbing under the desk. "Nice ass by the way."

"Zayn!" I gasp, making him chuckle. Clearing his throat, he pushes in the chair and walks away.

I have never been more thankful for this stupid desk having a back.

I think to myself, as I hear his door open and lots of footsteps. "Z!" Tyler exclaims. I smile at the sound of my brother's voice.

"Hey Ty!" Zayn says excitedly back.

"Zayn!" Danny- wait, Danny? Fuck. Danny's voice speaks.

"Danny-boy! What a surprise!" Zayn says, obviously super happy to see his friends. "Uh, hi, uh, Mister and Misses Garcia."

Hold up.

Did I hear that right?

My parents...

No. That's crazy.

"It's nice to see you again Zayn." I hear my... dad speak.

Fuck they really are here.

I cringe thinking of the last time I saw them, thankfully not disturbing the desk I am under. That sounds like one of those cliche moments when the girl is under the desk sucking some guy's dick. I mean, I wouldn't mind-

Focus Taylor.

"So, what's with the sudden visit?" Zayn asks. Tyler says something about being so happy he finally told him where he was that he had to come see him. He did what? "Ha..ha... oh yeah." He laughs nervously.

"So, this is the office?" Tyler speaks and from the sound of it he is walking around it.,

"Yup." Zayn replies nonchalantly.

"How does it feel sitting in the boss's chair?" Danny asks, the sound of his footsteps getting closer.

"No!" Zayn exclaims. It suddenly gets so silent you could hear a pin drop. "I uh, I mean... the, the chair broke. I ordered a new one though, it should be here by tomorrow, and you can sit in it then, K Danny-boy?"

It sounds like he jumps up and down as he yells out, "Yes!"

I guess Danny is still the same old person.

"So how have you been lately?" I hear my mom asks.

"Pretty good. The company has been thriving since I got my new assistant from Brooke and Emma's company."

I blush at Zayn's words until my brother speaks, replacing it with a scowl. "That weirdo? Bro she was insane. She would talk normally, and then she would talk like this surfer dude. And then when she apparently spilt her coffee on herself, she went back to talking normally!" I cringe at the memory. Not my finest moment, or lie... Zayn chuckles.

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