Chapter thirty-one

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It has been almost three months. So far, that is one of the longest times I've ever stayed in one place, if not the longest. Working with my friend has been amazing. Except when Ali and Emma stay back while Brooke and I go to a meeting, and we come back to extreamly loud moans.

For the most part I just answer phones, take notes of the many meetings we go to, report to Brooke on any updates, make her schedule, get her lunch if we all don't go out, get coffee for everyone, simple stuff like that.

Winter and I have gotten closer. She's honestly really great. She absolutely adores Maggie. Mags loves most people at the office.

Jacob is becoming a well known photographer, and Hailey is even starting to get on the cover of magazines.

The only difficult thing really, has been dodging Zayn, and his calls. But, Tyler hasn't come for me yet, so it seems he decided to help me out. I'm not sure how that haven't figured it out yet, but I hired a private investigator, before they did, making sure they'd hire the one I already did. When he finds me, which he truly does have to work for, he notifies me a few days before and then tells my family. It was pretty simple, but no one has noticed.

"Morning B." I say nonchalantly, waltzing in and setting her morning coffee on her desk. That's when I notice the person across from her. "I uh, I mean, hello Miss Parker." I mutter. "Mister Andrews, can I get you anything?" Zayn glares at my use of his last name.

"A coffee would be great." He huffs. "A splash-"

"Of cream and sugar, I know." I state, turning and setting my stuff down in my office, before walking out to a guilty looking Alisha. "You could have told me that thing was in there!" I groan as I shut the door.

She gives me a sheepish smile. "I know I know, I'm sorry. But Brooke told me not to tell you and she is technically one of my bosses as a co-CEO of this company so I had to listen to her." She ramble, and despite the source of my sour mood being just a couple yards away, she manages to make me crack a smile. Rolling my eyes lauging, I walk into the elevator. Slumping against the wall when I see that no one is in there, I let out a breath. I am just praying he is gone before I have to go pick up Maggie.

Suddenly, the elevator dings, making me open my eyes, but much to my disappointment, it was them reopening. Zayn steps in, making my heart race. Whether it is in a good or bad way? I have no idea.

"I thought I was getting you coffee Mister Andrews." I scoff.

Out of the corner of my eye, since we stand on opposite sides in the back corners, I see him roll his eyes. "That thing decided to tag along, is that a crime?"

I blush at the fact that he heard me call him that yet again.

Turning my head fully, I find him already looking at me, with a raised eyebrow, but all I can focus on are his eyes. They remind me of so much. The time I fell off my bike when Tyler and I were racing down a hill, and sprained my ankle, he carried me all the way back to my house. The time I tried making pancakes for the entire Mafia, before I learned how to cook, and ended up bawling because I accidentally dumped the entire container of salt in it. He helped me make an entirely new batch, perfectly done. The time he got me from the woods, looking terrified when he first saw me. Then the day after, the murderous look in his eye as he was beating... him to a pulp. The time I snuck down, wanting to see my masterpiece of a tortured asshat, instead finding my dad and Brad puking their guts out, Tyler looking terrified and disgusted as he stared at him in shock, and then there was Zayn. He looked proud of me, making me proud of myself, knowing he approved of my work on him. The kiss...

"Taylor?" A hand waves in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hm?" I focus my eyes again, finding the subject of my internal life-reliving.

"The door is open?" He states in a duh tone.

I clear my throat, straightening out my blazer. "Uh, right. Yeah." I walk out, letting out a sigh of relief when I exit the small space with him, thankful to be away from his intoxicating self.

Or not.

"Who is this, Tay?" Winter smiles at Zayn, obviously trying to flirt, as I begin making his coffee.

"Unavailable." I respond, in a grunt. Her smiles drops, replaced with a scowl.

"Why are the hot ones always taken?" She huffs.

"Win, I think you just answered that one yourself." I laugh.

"Aww, Munchkin, you think I'm hot?" I turn my head, giving Zayn a disbelieving look, and rolling my eyes, as to not answer his very true question. "That's not a no?" He smirks cockily.

"In your dreams Mister Andrews."

"That it is."

"You just do not give up, do you? In case you didn't notice, you're the engaged one. Here. Take it." I thrust his freshly made coffee towards him, stomping away, not even saying goodbye to Winter. When I enter the elevator, I repeatedly press the close doors button, hoping for it to go faster.

Much to my dismay, once again, a hand stops the almost closed doors. "You didn't have to be so rude to your friend out there Munchkin."

I don't reply, simply scoffing at the arrogance dripping from his voice.

"You know, if you thought I was hot you could have just told m-"

Zayn is cut off, by a shake in the elevator, and then all the lights shut off. I grip the first thing I can.


I let go of Zayn's arm, walking back until I hit a wall, this time, the comforting coolness of the metal finding me.

"Do you have your phone?" I ask frantically. I wait almost half a minute and he hasn't said anything. "Zayn!" I let out a frusterated groan.

"Oh, now I'm Zayn? Not Mister Andrews?" He sneers, a lot closer than expected.

"Just answer the freaking question!"

"Freaking? What are you, twelve?" Fuck, I got used to saying that whenever Maggie would have potentially heard.

"I-it's not important. Just, do you have your phone?"

"No." He huffs. "I left it in my jacket pocket."

"Dammit." I mutter under my breath, chewing on my lip, a nervous habit I picked up at some point. Out of nowhere, a warm hand meets my cold one, intertwining our fingers.

It's comforting.

"I missed you Munchkin." Zayn whispers. "Why did you leave?" His voice breaks in the middle of his sentence, making it feel as if my heart was being ripped out of my chest. "D-did you meet someone? Run away with them? Are they the other person involved? The person you were calling?"

Did he really think that?

I reach my hand out blindly in the dark, thankful to have found his cheek on the first try. "No... no Zayn-" before I can say more, the elevator seems to drop a foot, before jerking back up and the lights turn on. My eyes meet his tear filled ones, shocking me. I have never seen Zayn cry. Ever.

Maybe Darcy changed him...


At the thought, I jump back, withdrawing my hand from his cheek, and his own hand.

Zayn is engaged.

He goes to say something else, but the elevator doors opening stops him.

Without another word, I exit, going back to my desk, sighing.

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