Chapter twelve

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I won't lie that I was furious when I saw Taylor in my bed. Not because she was in it, but because she had been with Zayn. That's my best friend! She can't fuck him! It'll be awkward then. I know I joke about it sometimes, and I know she likes him, but it actually happening is a whole nother thing. I groan loudly in frustration.

"I said, you had sex, with Zayn. How many rounds was it? Was he just the best?" I growl. I watch as her eyes turn cold and hard. 

"So, what, I'm some whore now, that sleeps
with all your friends?" She sneers. My eyes widen as it registers what she thought I was implying. 

"Taylor no. That's not what I meant-" 

"Then what did you mean Tyler? Because from where I'm standing, that's what it fucking feels like." It's odd seeing her this angry at me. Sure she gets mad at me pretty much every day, but this is the worst look she's ever given me. I shudder under her hard gaze. 

"TayTay, you're my sister, I would never say that." I protest. 

She rolls her eyes. "Well you did, so maybe I'm not actually all that important to you." 

Suddenly my anger flairs. Why, I'm not sure, but I can't stop myself from snapping and I'm typically the more level headed one of the two of us. 

"Well if you don't want to be siblings, then fine! God I wish mom never even had you!" 



She makes the stereotypical, 'Frusterated Girl Groan/Scream,' and walks away, slamming the door to her room. I sigh, running a hand over my face. I turn to see everyone at my door, their jaws dropped. My dad opens his mouth to tell me off for yelling at his 'babygirl,' while my mom opens her's to stop him, and surprisingly, it was Danny who spoke up first. 

"Tyler... I think that was a bit harsh."

Zayn rolls his eyes, coming over and smacking the back of my head super hard. My head snaps forward, leaving me in pain as I rub it in attempts to relieve said pain. "Go apologize. You were a dick and you know it." He defends his apparently new girlfriend. Insert the mega eyeroll. 

With a final roll of my eyes, I go over and knock on her door. I wait for a few seconds, and when I don't hear any noise from inside, I knock again, but harder. "Taylor!" I call, with no luck. Getting impatient, I open the door, finding an empty room, along with her bathroom. I walk back over to the group. "I'll apologize later. She went to get some air." I simply assume. Emma and Brooke both look disappointed in me, walking past without saying a word. My dad turns and walks back to his room.

Not even my mom can look at me.

Danny walks away with the girls, and Zayn crosses his arms, stopping in front of me. 

"First of all, no, we didn't have sex last night. And second of all, I guess laser tag is cancelled." He goes by me, ramming his shoulder against my arm. Hard. 

"Come on guys, I said I would apologize, I feel bad!" I call out after my friends and my sister's friends. "Wait-" I groan, going after them. "Please. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said it  I, promise, I'll make it up to her when she gets back."

They all turn to me from the living room, raises their right eyebrows all at the same time.

Except Danny of course, he can't do it so he just looked like some surprised constipated person.

"I... I'll do all her chores for a month, and I'll take her to the new movie she wants to see, and I'll even start driving for her." They contemplate it for a moment, all sharing a consecutive glance. Brooke and Zayn sigh. 

"Fine. But please, God no, do not drive her car. She will personally gouge your eyeballs out with the way you drive." I smile at Brooke's words. I am quite the bad driver. Yet somehow I still managed to get my license. We watch movies yet again, all day, talking and playing on our phones while the films play as background noise. 

"Ah shit! Seriously?" I sigh, throwing my phone down on the couch next to me. 

"What?" Danny asks. 

"My phone died, right as I was about to win that level." I huff. Emma and Danny laugh at me.

"If it makes you feel any better, mine is dead too. I'll go plug them in?" Brooke speaks up. Danny and Emma give her their phones too, meaning they are also dead. "What about you Zayn?" She asks. 

He shakes his head. 

"Nah, mine is still at 70, since I actually enjoy watching films?" 

We all shrug and laugh, before Brooke goes to plug in all our phones. She comes back down and we decide to play Monopoly. Such children we are. Zayn phone suddenly blares through the living room, startling everyone. He picks it up from the spot in his lap, and immediately stands up. 

"Sorry, I have to take this." He walks out and into the kitchen, and we don't bother waiting as we continue playing. I smirk when I get the Boardwalk. With out warning, Zayn comes running out of the kitchen, snatching his jacket up on the way. "I'll be back in a bit. Someone needs a ride." He calls, before running out of the house. I stand up, running around him with the other.

But by the time we get out there, he's already turning out of the driveway in my sister's car, speeding away into the dark night.

"What was that all about?" Emma asked, obviously concerned. 

"No idea. Let's just... head inside. We'll keep playing without him." I decide, with it taking my eyes off the spot my friend just was. I hear them go inside, so it surprises me when Brooke suddenly speaks. 

"You think he's okay?" She asks. 

"Um.." I pause. "Uh, yeah. Probably. Maybe it's just his brother and sister."  They are always fighting and he's always the peacemaker despite the fact that he has this 'Fuck Off,' aura around most people. 

"Yeah, you're right." She puts her hand on my shoulder. "Let's go inside. They're fine." 

"Yup. Fine." 

Despite my words, I can't ignore the bad feeling in my gut anymore. 

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