Chapter thirty-nine

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Zayn didn't come back the whole day. In fact, he didn't arrive at his house until after work on Monday, and I'm assuming that is only because Danny called him saying he was out of food. And I mean out out. Danny ate practically everything in the house.

"Hurry up you two I don't have time for this." Zayn calls out, like a impatient parent. Danny and I glance at each other, before both darting to the livingroom.

"Haha sucker! I beat you!" Danny exclaims when he knocked into Zayn first.

"I'm about to beat both of you, if you don't hurry the fuck up."

By the look on his face, we both know he is not kidding that he wants to punch us.

I would have gone by myself, but one) I didn't have a car, and two) it was decided no one but Zayn can leave without another person with them, so we had to get Zayn to come along with us since my parents are out on a date.


"Tyler, pineapple does not belong on pizza!" Danny stresses his opinion.


"Yes it does! Their is sweet and savory, the perfect mix!" I argue back. "Zayn, what do you think?" I ask, picking up a box of white cheddar Cheez-its.

"Ooh Oreos!" Danny exclaims, picking up and box excitedly, then gently places it down in the basket Zayn is holding.

Zayn rolls his eyes. "I'm not getting in to this."

Danny and I huff at the same time, glaring at each other when there is a sudden cry. We look away from each other, to see a woman crouching down by a probably five or six year old child, with her back facing us.

"Shh, it's okay. Calm down baby. Where does it hurt?" The slightly familiar voice asks.

"Right here and here." The woman's... daughter? I'm assuming, points to her knees and hands.

"Yeah? You wanna go find some princess bandaids?" The mom asks. The child's face lights up like it was Christman morning, and she nods energetically. She runs off ahead, leaving her mother to laugh, and walk after her. I turn to see Zayn with a wide smile of his face, watching the woman disappear around the corner.

"What are you smiling about?" I smirk at him. The smile is wiped off his face as he clears his throat.


With that, Zayn continues shopping, while Danny and I bicker the entire time. By the time we are done, Zayn is about ready to throttle both of us. He is about to snap when he gets interrupted.

"I swear to God Jacob, I asked you before we left, what you needed. Maggie and I are already don-" Before she can say anymore, she runs straight into me. "Ah! I'm so sorry!" She backs up, her daughter still holding her hand. She looks up at me for a moment, her eyes widening for the millisecond before Zayn covers her body with his own.

"Daddy!!" The little girl exclaims, launching herself onto Zayn's leg.

"D-daddy?" Danny chokes out, his own eyes as wide as mine.

"Uh.. this is uh, my assistant. Her um, her daughter, thinks of me as um, her dad." He stutters.

"I- buh- but- I- uh-" I turn into a blubbering mess.


"Oh Tyler! Hello!" My mom interrupts the awkward silence. I turn to see my parents coming towards us. "We went back to the house and you weren't there so we came here to look since you forgot your phone."

A/n: I swear to God I just wrote, 'you forgot your name,' I'm such a dumbass

"I- I uh, have to go." Zayn's assisant mutters, turning and practically running away with her daughter.

"No..." My dad whispers under his breath, looking at the retreating woman.

Without any warning, he stalks forward, after her. "No!" Zayn exclaims, going towards my dad, but doesn't get to him in time, because he grips the girl's wrist, spinning her around. "Fuck."

The familiar eyes are widened to the size of saucers, her black hair flapping in the wind.

"Taylor..." The word slips from my mouth without thinking.

My eyes drift down to the girl hiding behind my sister's legs. Zayn steps forward, an apologetic look on his face, as he reaches down. "C'mon princess. Let's go wait in the car for mama." He says quietly.

"Wait a damn minute." I stop him.

"Don't swear around her!" Taylor sneers. I send her a glare, standing in front of Zayn.

"Princess? You knew. You've known she was here for how long and didn't tell me!" I hollar.

"I was protecting Maggie!" He argues. "And your sister!"

"A sister that ran away with her secret daughter!"

"Tyler, leave her out of this. It was my choice, not her's!" Taylor exclaims, putting her small body between Zayn and her daughter, and me. "Zayn, please, just bring her to my car." She pleads. He nods, picking up the child, whispering to her as he walks back.

"Taylor..." My mom speaks, coming up between our glaring match, and hugs Taylor. Taylor slowly wraps her arms around our mom, squeezing her eyes shut. A single tear slides down her face, before she pulls away and wipes it off hastily.

"Hi mom..."

"Taylor Marie Garcia if I don't get a hug this instant, I will wreck your car." Taylor's eyes widen at my dad's words as she runs over to him throwing herself in the comforting arms of our dad.

He gives really good hugs.

"Hey Danny-boy." She says when my dad pulls away from their long hug. He smiles cheekily at her, giving her a bear hug. "I- I still need to breathe." She laughs. He let's her go, reluctantly, still smiling at her.

Taylor slowly turns to me, and just stares, hope shining in her eyes.

I contemplate my next move for a few moments, before rolling my eyes and walking back to Zayn's car, waiting for him to get back from Taylor's... kid and drive back so I can go the fuck home.

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