Chapter three

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 This is the gorgeous Brooke^^
How could he say that? I'm his twin! I am the definition of family to him! I roll my eyes, walking up to a waiting Ashton. "Sorry about that. I think I better get home though."

"Alright. You got a ride?" I nod. We say our goodbyes, and I drive away before I remember that I'm wearing his jacket and hat. Despite being the end of summer, the rain still gets pretty chilly. I apparently fell asleep at some point, and Ashton came to wake me up. We talked for a while, and got to know each other better.

Like I found out that he's taking over his father's business, and that his favorite movie is San Andreas, the one with 'The Rock' in it. I even found out his favorite color is pink. Crazy, right? This big, muscular, 'Don't fuck with me,' guy's favorite color is pink. I told him about Tyler and how I lived in Mexico for the first five years until my dad came and got us back. I told him our favorite color is black, and that our favorite movie is Fallen, even though it makes basically no sense. We love riding our bikes down hills and seeing who can do it faster without flipping, and how we have had quite a few trips to the hospital for that. 

I slam on my breaks (and immediately apologize to my baby) when I realize something. 

 It was never 'I' or 'My' or 'Me.' No no no, it was 'We' or 'Our' or 'Us.

There no Tyler without Taylor, and no Taylor without Tyler. 

This is the first fight that's lasted more than like twenty minutes, and I know how to fix it. I just really hope it doesn't come to that. So embarrassing...

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Owen yells as soon as I walk through the door. 

"Ehm, what?"

"Owen, calm down. She's okay." My aunt tells her husband. "You are okay, right?" I nod. My dad looks like he's about to explode. 

"Why would you do that?! You could have called! In our line of work we have to know where you are, when, and with who! But did you?! No! Tyler, had to interrupt us, only to tell us that you were gone! We searched every where for you! Then Tyler calls and tells us to come get you, but when we do, all there is, is some prick saying you went home!" He yells, his entire face red. 

"Wait, Ty isn't home?" I ask when his words sink in. They all nod like I'm dumb. "I'll go get him." I sigh, running out before anyone can stop me. I speed the entire way there, ignoring all the road signs. I got honked at a few times but Tyler is more important. When I get to the park, I see a soaked Tyler, just sitting on his swing. I step out of the car, popping the trunk and grabbing one of his many jackets that he's left in my car. He has his earbuds in so he doesn't hear me walking up to him, or even hold out his jacket. Finally, he glances up, staring at me and then the jacket. After about a minute of just staring at it, he takes it, allowing me to sit on the swing next to him. 

He puts it on, taking his earbuds out in the process, but is still silent. The only sounds besides the rain is the gentle creak of the swings. "I thought about what you said." He speaks out of the blue. 

"What do you mean?" I ask, pushing my soaked hair behind my hat covered ear. 

"About the girls. I'm going to stop. The next girl I see, it'll be an actual relationship. I promise." 

"Ty, why are you promising stuff when I was the bitch?" I laugh. He chuckles softly. "I'm sorry by the way. I shouldn't have put him over you. I promise, it won't happen again. With anybody."

"It's fine. I mean, it is kind of hard not to make fun of the hair." He sends me a joking glare, and swings the the side, ramming into me. I laugh, going to the side and meeting him in the middle. We keep going until I notice Tyler shivering under the thin jacket. 

"Come on Ty. We gotta get back. You probably have already caught a cold." He nods, getting up and walking to my car. We get inside, and I crank the heat. I glance over at him, before smiling. "You want to get some Caribou?" A smile breaks out across his face, before he nods excitedly. We drive to the nearest one, deciding to walk in so that we don't get the interior of my baby soaked. We go inside, and my smile widens when I see my brother blush at the barista taking our order. "Hey Brooke." 

"Hey. How's the dynamic duo doing now?" She smiles at us, but her gaze is lingering on Tyler. 

"Good." He answers, not breaking the stare. Not even the bell above the door does. 

"Is it always like this? I don't think I've ever seen them alone together." A voice speaks from behind me. I turn to see one of Tyler's friends, Zayn. I snort, looking away so he doesn't see my blush. 

"Yeah basically." We laugh. Tyler has been trying to either make B jealous, or wants to get his mind off her with all the other girls before. I start shivering again, making me want to get back to the car. So I do the only logical thing. I hit Tyler upside the head. 

"Shit! What was that for?" 

"Shit, what was that for?" I mock in a deep voice, sticking my tounge halfway out. Zayn laughs behind me, while Tyler scowls. Brooke just smiles. It's rare to see when she's not with either Em and I, or apparently Tyler. 

"Alright, what can I get you three? It'll be on the house." Tyler and I order our usual, a vanilla mocha, and Zayn orders a Mint Condition Mocha. I slip her money anyways, despite her protests. 

"Right, then that wasn't for those. That was a friend giving money to a friend." I reason. She sighs, rolling her eyes, and shaking her head. 

"Alright, bye y'all." She calls as we all leave.
"You spill that in my car, I will stab you in the hand." I threaten over the rain after Zayn leaves. Tyler puts his hand up in surrender. We get in driving away.

The one time Tyler took a drink, I didn't miss the heart by his name, making me smirk. 

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