Chapter forty-four

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"Hey! Come on in!" I greet, opening the door wider for Zayn.

He looks at me, seemingly shocked. "Oh, yeah! Uh, right."

"Daddy!!" A scream comes from somewhere in the apartment, followed by Maggie darting out and hugging his legs.

"Hey there Princess." He smiles normally, bending down to her height. "How are you?"

"Good! Guess what!!"

"What?" He asks, going along with her level of excitement.

"Mama is making chicken nuggets for dinner!"

"Oh yeah? That's exciting." He chuckles. I smile at the encounter.

"Do you want me to put your bag in my room?" I ask Zayn. He looks up at me, gulping.

"Uh, I'll just stay, eh, living room. Just incase you need me, but not interrupting you." He tells me, setting his bag next to the fridge.

"Oh.. yeah, right." I give him a small smile, confused. "Jacob! Your new best friend is here!" I call out. Jacob comes running out of his room, reminding me a lot of Maggie. Zayn stands up, sticking his fists out.

"Yo, what's up man."

"Hey!" Jacob squeals.

"You're such a child." I huff. Jacob comes over to me, wrapping his arm around my neck and shoving my head into his chests as he shakes his fist in my hair. "Hey! I just finished brushing this!" I slip out of his hold, smacking the back of his head.

"Jeez! You don't have to be so damn violent." He rubs the back of his head, making me laugh.

That reminds me of Tyler.

I turn to see Zayn watching our little show, with furrowed eyebrows. He locks eyes with me for only a moment, before looking back to my daughter.  What's up with him?

What do you think stupid? It's obviously your fault. You're taking him away from his friends because you're being a little bitch over something so small.

Right. Of course.

"I uh, I'll go start dinner." I sigh.

"OOH IS IT THE LITTLE DINOSAUR NUGGETS???" Hailey squeals, running out from the bathroom.

Her and her selective super hearing.

"Yes Hails. I swear all of you are children." I laugh.

Making sure to leave enough space for his comfort, I walk around Zayn, into the kitchen, and preheat the oven. When I get done putting all the chicken nuggets on a cookie sheet, I start steaming the vegetables on the stove, and then move on to chopping up some lettuce, cucumber, carrots, spinach leaves,  and tomatoes.

The timer went off for the nuggets, so I take them out, putting them on four plates, before checking on the veggies, making sure they are done and then serving them. "Maggie Bear, what do you want to drink sweets?" I call out.

"OOH YAY! MILK PLEASE MAMA!" She yells back from the living room. The gang comes in, sitting at the table.

"Jacob? Hailey?"

"Milk is fine, thank you." Hailey replies.

"What she said." Jacob follows.

I simply glance at Zayn while I grab cups, waiting for his answer. "I um," he clears his throat, "I'm good with water."

I pour everyone their drinks, setting them down along with their plates. As I put together my salad, I see Zayn playing with the Dino shaped chicken nuggets with Maggie, making me smile a bit. It's odd to see a grown man, that's been serious since childhood, playing with his food, alongside a five, almost six year old.

By the time I finish constructing my dinner, Jacob and Hailey have already left, leaving me to sit next to Maggie and across from Zayn at the circular table.

"Why are you eating a salad again?" Zayn narrows his eyes at me. I roll mine, looking down at my food and continuing to eat. "Taylor." He growls.

"Mama tried eating meat after she had me, but her stomach couldn't take it and she hasn't eaten meat since." Maggie explains what I've told her many times when she asks why I don't want to eat 'Maggie Food' as she calls it.

"Well isn't there some other Vegetarian thing to eat?" Zayn glares. I roll my eyes again.

"Yeah there is plenty I could be eating but nothing I will." I snap.

"I thought you were better Taylor." He says angrily.

"I never said I was! You can't just throw years of not eating away just like that Zayn."

"Mama? Why didn't you eat? How could you stay away from food? Food is the best." Maggie speaks up again. I look over at my daughter with wide eyes. I wasn't planning on telling her about my ED.

"Nothing baby. Why don't you go see if Uncle Jakey will show you some of the pictures he takes for work, okay?"

"Okay!" She jumps down from her seat, picking up her plate and cup, running it over to the sink and setting them in it. With that she is out of sight, leaving Zayn and I in our glaring match. I eventually break it by grabbing both our dishes and putting them in the sink, leaning against the counter.

"It's my life Zayn. It has nothing to do with you." My heart hurts saying that. I want it do have everything do him. I want him to be in my life, I want to make decisions with him, I want to raise my- our daughter together. That sounds odd, but Maggie already thinks of him as her father, so do I, because he acts like it. He cares about her in a way no one else could and ever will. The love of a dad is like nothing else.

"It has everything to do me Munchkin." He says quietly, compared to his angry nature before. He stands up, walking over to me, laying his arms on either side of me. "Not only as your boss and... friend but as the man who-" He cuts himself off.

My eyebrows furrow. "The man who what?"

He looks back and forth between my eyes, gulping. "Taylor..." He whispers.

My name coming from his lips makes my thighs clench together and butterflies spread throughout my entire body. Without thinking, I bring my arm up, wrapping it around his neck and pulling him towards me. Taking that as a sign, he leans forward, kissing me deeply.

Sparks erupt everywhere around us, as if we have our own little firework show. He doesn't go any further than just kissing me, but he does turn us around, lifting me up by my thighs as he leans back where I was before. I wrap my legs around his hips, the coolness of the countertop shocking me.

"Why do all the men in my life have some serious mood swings?" I joke quietly against his lips, making him pinch my thigh.

I pull away, kissing down his neck, making him groan when I get to the middle of it. I nip and suck at the spot. He moves his hands up a tiny bit, resting lightly on my butt. I move down to his collarbone, sucking on that too.

Unbuttoning a few buttons on his shirt, I continue on, on his practically hairless chest. A few tattoos scatter around it, turning me on even more.

I pull away breathlessly.

"Still wanna stay in the living room?" I ask smirking at him.

"Oh shut up." He grumbles, kissing me again.

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