Chapter twenty-six

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It's been six years. Six years since she left. Despite her wack-ass wishes, we have searched for her, non-stop. But somehow, she is always one step ahead of is. Not this time though. We will get her this time. We have to. Everyone is a mess without her. Emma freaked when she found out Taylor left for no reason. Brooke was heartbroken, but I was there to help pick up the pieces. Brooke and I are doing long distance from New York to here. Alisha was pretty upset, but knew that Taylor did it for the best, whatever that means. Oh and she and Emma began dating.

My dad went batshit crazy when I broke the news, the only thing that kept him together was me and my mom, who was heartbroken, blaming herself for her little girl leaving. Everyone was lost when she left, but that managed to go somewhat back to their old selves. Some, a lot more than others. 

Zayn... after she left, he got really bad anger issues. One time he almost strangled someone to death for asking if he was okay. He barely talks to anyone, sometime he'll text or call me, but he is away with his company some where. He hasn't specifically given us a location. 

Now, back to the task at hand. 

I lock eyes with my dad from across the doorway, waiting for his command. He holds up to fingers, pausing, before motioning me to open the door. 

By open I mean very roughly kick open. 


Doing just that, I raise my gun, out of habit, sighing when I see a familiar sight. "Clear." I huff. Walking to the end table, I snatch the note from the fluffy teddy bear holding it currently. 

Ooh, so close. Maybe next time. Or you could give up. No? Didn't figure. Ttfn!

I grip the first thing I see, being the stuffed bear, throwing it across the room in frustration. "That's the thirtieth time!" I exclaim. This is what she does. Somehow, she always knows. She moves some place new, leaving a stupid bear hugging a note. 

I send a text to Zayn.

No luck. Maybe next time...

He response surprisingly fast.

Damnit. How is it that we both have the best hackers, the best PI's, the best everything, and yet we still can't find her? It's like she disappeared off the face of the planet!

I know man, I know.

Sighing, I follow my equally disappointed father out of Taylor's previous apartment.


Hailey honeys^^

"Come on honey, just a few more steps." I urge my almost six year old daughter.

"But mommy," she yawns. "I'm tired."

Sighing, I pick her up alongside the other ten things in my arms. How did my mom manage with twins on her own?

I walk down the rest of the stairs, our new apartment in New York.

Moving around so much is hard on Maggie. That's why I'm going to get a stable job. Stick around for a while. Maggie is starting school in a week, so tomorrow I am going around, looking for a job. I've already set up a few interviews at some highly praised companies, mostly looking for PA's. My daughter is going to stay with my close friend, Hailey. I met her when I was giving birth. She was actually the nurse in the room helping her be delivered. Hails doesn't really have any family, beside one person. They disowned her and her brother when they both came out as bisexual. Jacob, her brother, has been moving around with us. I haven't told them why we move so much, I just said my family didn't accept my pregnancy, and wanted to keep Maggie and pretend she was their's.

I feel horrible for lying, but some times you gotta do what you gotta do I guess. Like me leaving my friends and family. It was a spontaneous decision. I didn't know that I was really going to or not. But I figured I had the chance, and the mafia life wasn't safe for my child. As far as I know, no one is aware that I really was pregnant. I left before I had the chance to tell them.

But it was for the best. Maggie is happy now, and so am I, although it hurts to think of my brother and friends.

The reason I always leave a bear with my notes, is one of my daughter's nicknames from me, is Maggie Bear. Clichè, I know, but she loves it.

"Taylor, you didn't have to take everything. Gimme Mags." Hailey gently picks up her sleeping figure from my arms, holding her close.

"Thank you." I let out a thankful sigh, so glad I have such amazing friends.

Speaking of...

Where is Jacob?

Opening the already unlocked door, I find him propped back on the couch. This building came pre-furnished. "Gee, thank you Jakey, you really do work too hard." I huff, setting the many bags down on the kitchen floor.

"I know." He smiles cheekily.

"You and Danny I swear." I huff.

When I look back at them, they both have their heads cocked in confusion. "Who's Danny?" Jacob speaks.

Gulping, I pick up a few bags to bring them to their respective rooms. "No one. Just one of my brother's friends." My heart hurts thinking about them. "Anyway, c'mon, let's go set up Magster's bed and then we can make ours and hit the hay." We somehow managed to find a four bedroom apartment for fairly cheap, and it's not in bad condition. Sure the outside looks a little battered and old, but the inside had to have been completely remodeled just a few years ago, if that.

"Ahh sleep." Hailey sighs dreamily. "What a wonderful thing. Let's go!"

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