Chapter eleven

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Sneaking out of your own room shouldn't be hard, should it? Right. And yet, when there is five other people- well, four since Danny somehow ended up sprawled out face-first on the ground, it was extremely. Yet, I managed. I tip-toe down to the fourth floor of six, where nothing really is except spare bathrooms. I enter quietly into one, opening the cupboard below the sink, grabbing a spare toothbrush I'd end up throwing after. With a final sigh, I sink down next to the porcelain toilet on my knees. 

I swish some mouthwash around my acid tasting mouth, before carefully exiting the room. I gasp when a voice suddenly speaks from the hallway. "Not so tough now, are we TayTay?" Santana's voice echoes through the empty space, despite just being a whisper. 

"Shut the hell up. Only my brother can call me that." I growl. 

"Ahh, Tyler. Such the hottie by the way." She purrs, smiling wickedly, eye shining as she taps her bright red nails along her crossed arm. "Speaking of your little brother dearest, how do you think he would feel about... this little secret of yours?" She asks innocently. 

"Shut up Santana." I grit out through clenched teeth. 

"Speak up? Oh, alright, whatever you say. Maybe your little boy toy will hear that way." She smiles again, her eyes lighting up. 

I can practically see the worry coat my features.

"Don't you dare."

She smirks. "So, how is the anor-" She speaks significantly louder, making me slam her into the wall, my hand covering her mouth. 

"You are so fucking lucky I'm not at my best right now you rotten bitch. You speak one word of this to anyone, and I will tell everyone, about your 'relationship,' with Mister Buyer. And then, your reputation will be ruined. You want that Santana? Or should I say, Karen?"

Two Karen's... I guess the name really fits.

"H-how do you know about that?" 

"Oh please honey. I've known you since you were three years old. You didn't like the name Karen, did you? So, like the spoiled bitch you are, you cover it up, changing your name to Santana. But you know what's funny about that?" I come really close to her face, whispering, "That name suits you. I mean, it does have the Devil himself's name, right there in it." I smile the way she was, right back at her. I see her eyes water, making me feel a tad bit bad about it, but she walks away before I can say anything else. I fall back against the wall, letting out a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding. 

"Don't tell your brother this, but you're pretty cute when you're mad." A deep, husky voice now echoes through the hollow floor.

I blush when Zayn steps out of the shadows. 

"Um, what are... What are you doing here?" 

"I woke up when you slipped out, and then heard voices when I went to find you after you'd been gone a little bit too long." He explains. "So, what was she talking about?" 

"Nothing!" I answer a bit too quickly. 

He raises a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at me. "You sure?" I simply nod. He shrugs. "C'mon, we have stuff to do tomorrow." He guides me up the stairs with his warm hand on my lower back. 

"Such as?"

"Laser Tag." Zayn says, the same monotone voice as normal. 

"Seriously?" I ask laughing. I'm about to open my door when I realize something. "Do you think they'll wake up if we go back into my bed?" I whisper. 

Zayn shrugs. "Maybe. Why don't we grab some blankets and just make a make shift bed on the floor?" He suggests. I agree, going to a hall closet, grabbing some thick blankets to lay under us, and about three others for on top.

Then we go into my room, quietly laying out the many a blankets. We settle over them, ending up cuddling due to the small area, throwing two of the blankets over us. 
Now we just have to wait until tomorrow morning when Tyler sees this. 

I sigh in contentment. 

I've been waiting for this for almost ten years. 
"What the hell is going on?" Tyler startles me awake. 

I groan as I make the seemingly endless fall to the ground. "What the fuck bro?"

"Why the hell were you sleeping with Zayn, in my bed?" I groan again, sitting up and glancing around at my surroundings. My eyes widen when I realize I am in fact, in my brother's room. 

"I uhm..." I attempt to explain but I can't seem to get anywhere. Tyler goes to speak again, but his mouth snaps shut when Zayn comes out of his bathroom in just sweatpants, water dripping down his chiseled chest, trailing down to a very defined V-Line. The water turning into little rivers through his 8-pack abs. God how I love to run my tounge across them and- 

"Taylor!" Fingers snap in my line of sight, snapping me out of my oogling. 

"Right, um, I uh..." 

"We woke up in the middle of the night, and went to get some water. When we came back, we went to sleep on the ground, but neither of us were comfortable so I moved her here. How'd you even know I slept here?" Zayn speaks up.

"Neither of you were there and my bathroom door was shut dumbass." 

"Jesus Tyler you don't have to be such an asshole about it." I snap, rolling my eyes. 

"And? You didn't have to have sex with my best friend." 

If only he knew.

"Tyler Marco Garcia, I swear to God if you said that I will personally shoot you in the kneecaps." My father's voice booms through the hall. He bursts through the door as well as my mother and our friends, everyone yelling at once. I drag Tyler out, no one noticing through all of the commotion. 

"What the hell did you say?" 

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