Chapter forty-eight

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I can't believe this happened.

I'm engaged.

I'm seriously engaged.

"I'm so happy for you!" Brooke smiles but it doesn't quite meet her eyes.

"What wrong babes? What happened with Tyler?" I ask. She cringes at his name.

"Nothing... I'll talk to you tomorrow. I really am happy for you two. I'm gonna get going though, if that's okay with you?" I nod, wishing her a good night and watching as she walks off through the park, leaving me to turn to Tyler while everyone is distracted talking amongst themselves, Tyler stands alone off to the side.

"Ty, what's wrong?" I ask, turning us away from the group and slowly walking through the gorgeous park.

"Nothing, nothing, I'm fine." He lies straight through his teeth.

"Lie to me again I dare you."

"Goddamn woman... I just don't want to bring you down, it's a big day for you."

"So you knew about this happening?" Tyler nods. "Asshole." I playfully punch his arm.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He huffs dramatically. "How does it feel being an engaged woman?"

"I don't know. It's yet to set in. I mean we weren't even really dating, so it weird, ya know?"

Tyler shoves his hands in his pockets, walking silently beside me.

"So, what happened?" I repeat.

He sighs. "It's nothing, really. Brooke and I just broke up, it's not a big deal. I'm fine with it. I can get back out there, ya know? I don't have to think about another person's needs too. I don't have to share my bed with anyone else. I don't have to cook for anyone. I don't have to say I love you all the time. I don't have to introduce someone super special to me as my girlfriend anymore. I don't even have to love her anymore."

His voice cracks, and I pull him into my arms just in time for him to start crying.

"I fucked it all up." He sobs. I rub his back, dragging him with me to sit on a nearby bench. "I said I'd do whatever I had to to be with her, but now that I can't have it, I want a family, I want kids, I want Brooke to be the mother of my children, but I fucked it all up. That's gone." He cries.

I pull back, shocking him when I take my hand, slapping him across the face.

"Ow! What the fuck Taylor!" Tyler exclaims, rubbing his cheek. I stand up determinedly.

"Tyler Marco Garcia, is that how we do things in this family?! Do we give up?!" I yell like a drill sergeant. He wipes the tears from his cheeks, shaking his head. "I can't hear you!" I shout, making him jump up.

"Ey-Ey Captain!" He salutes jokingly, making me laugh remembering all the times we would do that while watching Spongebob.

"Now, what we are going to do, is find a solution, fix this problem, and make you live happily ever after because you two love each other too Goddamn much to let it end like this! Got it?!"

"Yes ma'am!" He yells back. We can only stay serious for a couple seconds before we burst out laughing.

"Look, I have an idea, but I need you to make sure you have your heart set on having a family, because if not, then don't even bother. It's a pain in the ass sometimes, well, a lot of the time, but it's all worth it. So, are you 100% sure you want this?"

He doesn't even think for a moment about his answer. "Yes."

"Good. Now, gimme a few days, but for now, we celebrate with alchohol free Jell-O shots, and ice cream cake!"


"Tayllllloooooor." Brooke groans loudly, banging her head on the headrest in my car. "Why are you bringing me with you to look at some stupid house? Why don't you just move into Zayn's place?"

"We want something a little more fit for our family, and since you and Tyler broke up you've barely gotten out of bed. It's been a week and a half babes." I tell a white-lie. It's TRUE, she hasn't gotten out of bed in the past week and a half, but the house isn't for Zayn and I. "C'mon, we're here." I tell her, pulling into Tyler's newly brought home.

"This is cozy." Brooke comments.

"Mhmm." I unlock the door with the spare key Ty gave me. "Its a four bedroom, two and a half bath, 2000 square foot with a two car garage."

A banging can be heard from upstairs.

"Is someone here?" She asks as we walk around downstairs.

"Yeah. He's just here child proofing the house."

"Oh." She replies.

We walk around the rest of the bottom floor, examining the kitchen, living room, laundry room, and the half bathroom. As we make our way up the stairs, the banging noise gets louder.

"The master bedroom, and bathroom. It has two separate closets, and two sinks. Stand up shower, a jacuzzi tub off to the side." I show her.


God that made me sound so cringey and childish.

"And down here are two more bedrooms, on the right is the other bathroom." I point out.

"I thought you said four bedr-"

"And this is the nursery." I conclude, opening the door to the room my brother is currently working in.

"Nursery?!" Brooke exclaims. Her jaw drops when she sees Tyler, and what he's done with the room. He painted it a soft pastel yellow, a nature theme running through the whole room, a theme he knew Brooke would love. She's obsessed with the beauty of the outside world, just hates the bugs. A changing table sits one corner, a crib in the other. "Tyler..." Brooke mutters breathlessly.

Tyler gulps nervously as he looks around at his handy work.

"Surprise." I break the silence. Brooke looks between my brother and me, dumbfounded.

"Y-you did this... for me?" She whispers.

Tyler nods. "I want to be with you Brooke. I want to have a family with you. I know I messed up, but please. I love you so much B."

"Ty..." Her lip trembles, when she suddenly launches herself at Tyler, wrapping her legs around his waist and shoving her head in his neck, hugging him tightly.

Okay then.

That's my cue to leave.

Before I witness something scarring.


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