Chapter thirty-seven

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I wake up with a groan, incredibly uncomfortable. I roll my sore neck, flexing it a bit before I open my eyes, shocked to see a black room. Or... more like not see a black room.

Giving a small tug, I find my hands bound tightly behind my back. My feet are tied to either of the front legs of the wooden chair I am on.

I sit in silence, trying to slip my hands from the zip tie for what feel like an eternity, before I hear a groan somewhere else in the room, scaring me. Someone else is here too? Who?

I open my mouth to ask, but there is a large boom of a metal door hitting a concrete wall from the sounds of it, cutting me off.

What? This is not my first kiddnapping experience.

"Tsk tsk." The familiar voice speaks. But where have I heard it? "This could have been much easier for both of you if you had just come willingly, but neither could do that, could you?" The mystery man growls.

"What do you want?" I snap, resulting in a gasp coming from the other person in the room.

The man chuckles darkly. "Now Mister Garcia, is that any way to talk to your elders?"

That's when the voice registered.

"Holy shit. You're Zayn's dad." I state the obvious. Well, obvious to me now.

"Well done. At least someone knows who I am." He sneers. "And you best know that I am in charge here boy." A stinging sensation takes over my cheek. He slapped me.

That fucker slapped me.

"And you, darling." He chuckles darkly again. The man is a creep. I hear his footsteps getting further away from me. "You... you don't know when to stop do you?" A grunt comes from the girl, showing he hurt her in some type of way. "I payed him to rape you, and that still didn't get you away from my son!"

"W-what?" She rasps out.

Where have I heard her voice before?

"I knew you'd run if you got pregnant, but you didn't even have to. You were so embarrassed, being deemed as a slut that you left your stupid little family. And my son." He pauses until right after the girl let's out a soft laugh. What? "But no, you had to come back like the stupid little bitch you are. Now, maybe I'll have him do ya one more time." He laughs once again, scaring even me.

Psycho fuck.

I hear muffled screams coming from the girl, meaning someone has their hand over her mouth.

"Let her go!" I shout, not even caring who she was, just that what he said hit too close to home. Taylor with Ashton.

I get slapped again, all while the girl keeps screaming, meaning there are at least two people in the room.

Without warning, five gunshots ring out, and light flood the room, making me hiss in pain. I blind repeatedly, trying to gets my eyes to function properly. When they finally come to, I see blood splattered everywhere, and Zayn throwing some stupid looking 'night vision' goggles to the side, running straight to the girl- or shall I say woman on the other side of the room.

She sobs in his arms, as... my parents? Eh. My parents, cut the zip ties on my wrists and legs. I stand up and, without letting me even stretch, someone launches themselves in my arms. I groan on impact, but as soon as the familiarity of my girlfriend sets in, I couldn't be more happy. I pull away from Brooke, smiling down at her and pushing my lips against hers.

When we -sadly- pull away, I turn to find Zayn pulling his shirt over the female's body. Her clothes are scattered on the floor, in shreds, as a bloodied Ashton is moaning and groaning in pain on the floor.

Oh fuck that means he raped more than one person...

I smirk at his current condition, but my eyes drag back up to Zayn picking up his mystery girl.

She had to have gone to school, or at least lived in our hometown, if she was around Zayn before she ran away from home.

Again, the story hits too close.

That's when I remember her voice.

"Is this your weirdo assitant or something?" The words slip from my mouth before I can stop them. Her head is tucked into his neck, and shielded by a curtain of her messy black hair.

"Yes." Zayn says flatly. "Now let's go. Brooke, go with Ty and his parents, I'll bring her back home."

"Don't leave me please." I hear her whisper against his neck.

"Shhh. I won't, I promise." He strokes her hair.

Brooke grabs my hand, pulling me out of the room. On the way out, I see Zayn's father with a bullet in his head, along with three guards in the room, and Ashton slowly bleeding out.

Rapist shithead got what he deserved.

Brooke supports my body, as I limp with her after my parents, who help me slowly into the car. The entire building was littered with bodies. My dad speeds off, giving me time to just get a glimpse of the woman with Zayn, but not enough to identify her as anyone from my hometown.

"Hey mom?"

"Yeah sweetie?" My mom turns worriedly towards me.

"Do you know who the girl was?" I ask. She shakes her head disappointedly.

"No. I never got a good look at her face and Zayn wouldn't tell us. I would just forget about it though, if he wanted us to know then we would know." She tells me. I nod, but that doesn't stop me from rolling my eyes as soon as her back is turned.

I love her, but she can sure be annoying.

"How did he know?" The thought occurs to me just then.

Brooke clears her throat before my parents could speak. "He got a call and then started freaking out, tracking his assistant's phone."

"Why were you there?" I raise an eyebrow at my girlfriend, making her smirk and slide closer to me, trailing a manicured nail up and down my arm.

"To see you." She whispers in my ear, bites the lobe of it ever so softly, before scooting away, leaving me with a... problem.

Oh hell no.

"Dad, can you drop us at Brooke's please?"

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