Chapter twenty

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I can see Zayn hugging Taylor from the corner of my eye. I'm not sure what happened, but I know whatever it was, wasn't good. When I slightly turn my head, Zayn meets my eyes, curiosity swirling through them. I sigh, just barely shaking my head. 


"Alright, first of all, what is she doing here?" I question, looking at Alisha. We are currently sitting in the living room, my parents and I sitting on my couch, the girls sitting on one across from us. Zayn is sitting on a lazyboy chair next between the two sofa's, on the end of course. 

"She, is here, because she's been there for me these last few weeks, and she went to the doctor with me today." Brooke looks over at Taylor confused. 

"The doctor? Why were you at the doctor?" She asks. Taylor turns bright red, an obvious sign that she feels guilty. "Taylor..." Brooke warns.

Taylor gulps. "I uh..." She sighs. "I don't know how to say it. I don't want you to think any less of me B." 

"Tay, I would never, just tell me what is going on." Taylor casts a glance at Zayn, and he nods, going on his phone, and turning the volume up. I cringe at the sound of the video we heard earlier today. Taylor squeezes her eyes shut, as if that will stop the memories of that fateful night from returning.

Brooke's lip trembles, making her bite it. God damn how I would love to- 

Not the time Ty, not the time.

"When... when did this happen?" 

"Three weeks ago." Taylor's voice comes out in a whisper, as she holds her head in her hands.
"And I'm just hearing about this now?" She responds coldly. 

Taylor raises her head shaking it slowly.

"Brooke, he's your brother. I thought about how I would feel if you came and told me -no offence Tyler- but that Ty raped you, and I hated it. I hated the feeling I got and I know you and..." She gulps. "Him, don't have the best relationship so I didn't want to make it worse. I'm sorry. If it makes it any better though, they just found out today too." She motions to us. 

Brooke hesitates. "You... You think your pregnant? With Ashton's kid?" Tay nods. Brooke visibly cringes. "I'm so sorry Taylor." She whimpers, hugging my sister who is between her and Alisha. 

Our dad clears his throat. 

"That reminds me. Santana told us something interesting today." Taylor's eyes widen, as they move to glance at the stairs, and back to our dad. She gulps again. 

"I don't have an eating disorder! You know Santana dad." She scoffs. "She is like the definition of the word lie. You know, I bet if I went over and looked in the Dictionary, it would say Santana under it. I should go look. I'm going to." She stands up, not noticing her mistake, only to be stopped by Zayn's arm shooting out before her legs, and my dad's voice. 

"Taylor, Marie, Garcia, sit your ass down right now." He growls. 

Taylor turns around slowly, her body tense, and her fists drawn into tight fists, her knuckles turning white. She walks to her previous seat, looking down. My dad takes a deep breath, calming himself so he doesn't snap at her. 

"Babygirl, I never told you what she said." He tells her softly. I watch as a drop of water fall from where her face is tilted down, falling onto her arm, and slipping to the ground. Seeing her cry makes my stomach twist. She's always been the strong one. She was always strong enough for the both of us. 

I get up, going to sit next to her, bringing her to my body in a tight hug. "TayTay... You are skin and bones." I whisper. I can feel every bone through her flimsy plaid shirt. Her body shakes in my arms, making tears sting my throat. I know, I'm in the Mafia be emotionless blah blah blah. Not when it comes to this, not when it comes to her. She's my twin sister. I made a vow to myself that I would always protect her. 

Yet I have failed at that.

Zayn gets up, turning and stomping up the stairs. My dad is quick to follow. Yes, both of parents have accepted us friends, but we still are rivals and my dad doesn't trust Zayn alone in the house. Taylor doesn't seem to notice, but everyone else continues sending concerned glances at one of the many flights of stairs. They come back about a minute later, Zayn having something in his hand. He throws it down on the ground in front of us, where I find out it's a scale. Taylor jumps, startled, wiping her tear-stained face. She looks up at Zayn and my father with a, 'are you serious?' look. Zayn raises an eyebrow, challenging her not to. She shuts her eyes, sighing. Standing up on shaky legs, she steps onto the platform. A unified gasp sounds through the room. 

Gulping, I find the courage to look around my sister and at the number, beeping on the screen.

My breath catches in my throat. 

Taylor rushes to get off, kicking the scale under the coach, and clearing her throat.
"This can wait. Right now, Emma is in there, all drugged up because she didn't have anyone to talk to. I was a bitch to her when she called earlier. I could have prevented this, but no, I wanted to surprise her. Well it was a fan-fucking-tasic to walk in on one of my best friends screaming that she couldn't get a fucking bottle of pills open to overdose and kill herself with!" She snaps. 


Taylor has spoken. 

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