Chapter seven

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This doll is Emma^^
After lunch, the rest of the day was boring as usual. I can't believe Tyler almost told everyone that I've liked Zayn since he moved to America from Australia in second grade. Yes, truth be told, I have had a MEGA crush on him for like ever. He has the most mesmerizing eyes I've ever seen. They are super light blue, virtually white, besides a circle on the outside of the pupil, and then a ring on the outside. The most eye catching thing is the little specks of gold floating around. The rest of his face, is chiseled to a T, perfect in every way. And God, those lips are so kiss- 

"What up my sister?" Tyler plops down in my passenger seat, leaving Zayn to suffer in the back. 

"Jesus Christ Tyler, don't scare me like that or you'll have to get your own car." I snap. I got a job, meaning my dad payed me extra for working hard instead of just asking for money, so I got enough for a car really fast, and I'm lucky too, cause I got fired the next week. It's not my fault some lady was being a bitch. 

"No! Don't leave me." He whimpers sarcastically. I smack him in the head, hitting him with a ring I got from my mom when I turned fifteen. "Fuck! What was that for?" He squeals right in my ear, making me go to smack him, but Zayn beats me to it. "Damnit woman, now you have my best friend against me too!" I raise my hand as a warning, making him put his hands up in mock surrender. 

I begin driving us all to our house, sneaking secret glances at Zayn who is currently humming along to the soft music. Despite the cold weather yesterday, today it's back up in the eighties, and I wore a hoodie today, so I'm hot. I roll all the windows down, making Tyler connect my phone to my car and put it on my summer playlist. It's just upbeat songs, most of which make you want to throw your hands up and dance. I crank the music, turning into that one drive you can't stand, who always plays their music way to loud for the whole world to hear. 

"Mom, dad, we're home!" I call, leaving the door open for the boys to follow me in. 

"Hey chica." Maria kisses my temple as we walk into the living room and plop down on the couch. 

"Hey Maria." In the living room is the normal group I'm around. My mom, my dad, Maria, Brad, Owen, Danni, Tyler, and myself. Well, and Zayn today.

We sit around talking for a while, when suddenly my dad disappears. I ignore it, deciding to just keep talking. "So Ty, what do you think about B?" I ask my brother who is currently sitting on the floor with his friend.

He blushes. 

"W-what? No! What are you talking about? I don't like her!" He says defensively. Zayn and I share a look, and I slightly smirk. 

"She asked what you thought of her, man. You did that to yourself." He shrugs. Tyler curses, massaging his temple. 

"I hate you guys."

"Aww, I love you too!" I gush over dramatically. I open my mouth to continue making fun of him, when suddenly Single Ladies by Beyoncé booms through the room, followed by my seven year old laughter. My eyes widen in horror as my head snaps to my smiling father. 

"Mommy, Daddy! Watch this!"

I cringe at my nasally voice. "Dad! Turn it off!" I exclaim as soon as I start doing the dance from Alvin and the Chipmunks that the Chipets did. 

"Hmm, what was that? Turn it up? Okay!" He replies, pointing the remote at the TV and turning it up. 

"Dad!" I groan at the sound of everyone's laughter as I continue dancing on the screen. I lunge at him, attempting to grab the remote from him, but he holds it out of my reach. "Dad." I groan again. 

"Daddy... Pay attention!"

"Okay fine." He sighs, lowering it, allowing me to reach it. I let out a breath of relief, bringing my hand up, but before I can grab it, he tosses it over my head, letting it land right in Tyler's hands. He smirks evilily at me, before glancing at Zayn. 

"Tyler please." I beg. He waves the remote in the air, tempting me with it. I clench my jaw in frustration, as everyone continues watching both seven year old, and eighteen year old me. I look back at my horrible recreation of the dance, before realizing how stupid I am. I walk over to the flat screen, reaching behind it and turning it off. The crowd still chuckles. "I hate all of you." I grunt, walking up the stairs. Their laughter still echoes behind me. I hear Tyler and Zayn following close behind. 

"Aww TayTay, don't be mad, it was funny." Tyler attempt to joke.

I flick him off over my shoulder. 

"Yeah munchkin, don't be mad." I have to literally interally tell my legs to keep moving at the pet name. 

"I'm not that short." I protest. I huff when they laugh, walking into my room, and shutting the door. I plop down on my bed, facetiming Brooke and Emma. "Hey girlies." I greet. 

"Hey! How are you two?" Emma asks cheerfully. Brooke and I both groan. "What's up with you B?" She asks. 

"Mom is having dad and Ashton over for dinner tonight." She complains. 

"Oh, you haven't been in touch with either since the divorce, right?" Emma asks as I begin painting my nails black. 

Brooke nods. "Yeah, after the divorce we cut all ties with them. Mom and I didn't agree with what they did so they moved away and we don't even talk to them. Except for now that they moved back of course, and mom wants to 'catch up,' but they won't be telling us shit." She sighs. 

"I'm sorry B." I say sympathetically. I know how hard the divorce was for her. 

She just shrugs. 

"What about you Tay?" Em speaks up.

I look up from painting my nails when my door opens and in pops Zayn and my brother. "That." I state with a groan. They both plop down on my bed, uninvited I may add. 

"Hey girls!" Tyler squeals in his best girl impression. "So, what's the tea?"

"Ha! I know right!" Zayn cuts in doing the impression, taking the nail polish I finished with, beginning to paint his own nails. "That was so crazy, right!" 

"What happened to stone cold ass hat?" I grumble, making my friends laugh. 

"Aww munchkin, you know I could never be cold around you!" He giggles, blowing on his poorly done nails. I cringe at the sight. 

"Brooke! Mom said dinner is ready. Oh hey Taylor. Emma. You two." Ashton greets, oh so nicely

"Alright, I gotta go. I'll see y'all at school tomorrow." Brooke hangs up. 

"Yeah, I should probably get going too." Emma sighs. 

"No! Don't leave me here with these two doofuses!" I protest. She laugh, hanging up too. I sigh. I glance over at my left, seeing Zayn still painting his nails. "Alright, if you're going to do it, at least do it well!" I snatch the polish away from him, pulling his hand towards me. I clean up the four fingers he has done so far, before continuing. 

"Ooh, can I get purple?" Tyler squeals again. 

I groan.

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