Chapter twenty-two

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a/n- I'm trying to make up for all the up coming Taylor chapters since there is going to be a lot, sorry
"TayTay, dad wants to talk to you in his office. Like an hour ago, but I forgot to tell you." I laugh. She smiles, dragging me behind her to his office. Since she can get away with it, being his 'babygirl,' Taylor bursts into his office without knocking. A scream erupts from her throat, and she begins spinning me around before I can see what she was screaming about. "What the hell was that?" I ask the girl who is currently covering her eyes and slamming the door. She doesn't reply, just vigorously shakes her head, but I get my answer when our dad opens the door, fixing his shirt, cheeks red, and a flushed mother behind him. Oh...

"That." She shudders.

"Now, what was so important that you had to interrupt us?" Our dad huffs. 

"I don't know. This dimwit told me you needed me like an hour ago. Definitely, did not need me now." She shivers again. "And if you two didn't fuck every minute of every day we wouldn't have to interrupt you all the time."

My dad scowls at her raised eyebrow. "Right. Go change into a..." He seems to choke on his words, "bikini." 

"What?" Taylor shrieks. 

"I don't know. We told Danny why everything was so tense around here and he said he knew just the way to fix it, and demanded that you wore a bikini and we all met in one of the spare bedrooms." His scowls deepens when he thinks about the fact that Danny demanded something of him. He's not used to being disrespected. When my mom fled to Mexico, he was lost. He barely got out of bed unless it be to attempt to track her down. He had to be forced to eat, and ended up having to give the boss role of the Mafia to his sister, Riley. 

But, once he found our mom and us, he got his strength back. It was as if his soul was restored, and he took back his place as the don. So, being a very feared man, besides to the stupid, (no offence danny-boy,) he is not used to being told what to do from anyone but Taylor and his wife. 

Taylor rolls her eyes, stomping out of the room, causing my dad to sigh and run a hand over his face. While my mom soothes him, I walk to the third floor and begin going into the spare bedrooms in search of Danny, Zayn, Brooke, and Alisha. Emma still doesn't know about Taylor potentially being pregnant, or her eating disorder, because Taylor said it might stress her out to much, especially after she just attempted. In my eyes it'll probably backfire, but I don't want Tay to hate me or anything or saying so, so I refrain from it. 

When I finally manage to find the room, I spot Brooke and Ali hanging up a plain white sheet along the wall, opposite of a camera. Danny and Zayn have pushed the bed to the wall, and put a desk against the wall, on the other side of the room from the sheet and camera, giving space for I'm assuming people between the two. Where they found a desk? I have no idea. "What did you guys do?" 

"Set up." Zayn answers vaguely. 

Rolling my eyes, I walk out, going upstairs to see if Taylor is ready. I knock on her door, and she comes out in an over sized t-shirt. I narrow my eyes as it is familiar. "Where did you get that?"

"Nowhere." She answers quickly. I roll my eyes again, and bring her down three flights of stairs to the third floor. When I get to the room, everyone is already there, waiting for my sister to arrive. 

"Alright, Taylor, step in front of the sheet." Danny directs, oddly serious. With a sigh, she does it, playing with the hem of her shirt. "Now, the guys are going to turn around for you, okay?" Taylor sends him a small smile and nods softly. My dad, Zayn, Danny, and myself all turn around, and he tells her to take off the shirt and stand looking at the camera. When I hear shuffling behind me, I assume she does it. "Alright, Misses G is going to take your picture, okay? This is just to help us, help you." 

"Okay." She whispers in response. We hear the camera click a few times, and then Ali says we can turn around. Taylor is back in the shirt. I glance over, seeing Danny whisper to Brooke, and then she nods and goes to a nearby computer I hadn't even noticed. Taylor goes to Danny, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you." She murmurs. He nods, placing his chin on her head, as my dad and I do a few minutes late while the girls are messing with stuff on the other side of the room. Soon enough, My mom is holding two pieces of paper, and Our dad is directing her to sit at the desk. 

Oh boy. 

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