Chapter four

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"Daaaaaaad." Taylor drawls out, getting our father's attention from his spot in the kitchen.

"Yes babygirl?" He asks when we walk in.

"Daddy's girl." I whisper as I pass my sister, going to stand by my mom.

"Mhmm, says you mister mama's boy." She shoots back. I just stick my tounge out at her.

My parents laugh at us. "Anyways, what did you need?" My dad asks, throwing an arm around her.

"Guess who has his first crush?" She smirks. I feel my face turn the color of a tomato. It gets worse when both my parents turn to look at me. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you Ty. If you hurt her, I will hurt you. A lot." She threatens.

"Why are you so damn mean?" I huff, crossing my arms over my chest. She shrugs innocently, taking a big gulp of her drink.

Everyone starts talking, but when it gets to about 6, they begin planning for dinner.

"TayTay, what do you want?" I ask when they are figuring out what all the twenty-five ish people want.

"I, already ate. With Ashton. He brought me food earlier." I narrow my eyes at her. Ashton didn't have a bag, and it would have gotten wet. I choose to just talk to her about it later.

"Hey Gracie, how's your last first day of middle school?" I ask my cousin who is in eighth grade.

"Good! Hannah and I are in all of each other's classes! In science today, Darren was making fun of Jake," Owen scowls at the name of the guy his daughter likes. "So Hannah got in a fight with Darren over it, and then she got Detention. So then..." She trails off, in deep thought.

My dad clears his throat. "Speaking of, Tyler, your sister has detention all of next week also, for skipping today. When I was notified of that, I also discovered that you have it this week. Really? On the first day?" I hear a girly laugh, from outside the dining room. Everyone looks towards the doorway. "Tay...?" He asks.

"I...I'm....sor-" She bursts out laughing before she can finish. I huff. "Wooh. Okay, I'm sorry, I was just imagining Ty this morning. He came bursting in the class room like, 'Taylor Marie Garcia I swear to God I'm going to beat your ass.'"

"Nuh uh!" I protest loudly. But I grumble my next words, "Miss Ferrow didn't let me get all the way." Taylor laughs even harder, making my parents, and Owen start laughing, starting a chain reaction to everyone laughing. I even chuckle once in a while.

Taylor comes to stand between our parents.

"Can I invite Brooke and Emma over this weekend?" She asks, flashing me a smirk at the name I end up blushing at. It's true that I've liked my sister's friend for a while now, and that I was just trying to make her jealous with other girls. Honestly I had to imagine it was her while I was fucking other girls just to get the job done.

"Say yes." It slips out before I can stop it.

My mom laughs at me. "Aww, Tyler, do you have a little crush on someone?" She teases.

"No." I grumble. "Leave me alone." Tay laughs at me. "TayTay, what about you with Ashton?" I inquire.

"What?!" She squeaks. "Shut up! I just met him today! And he's my best friend's brother!"

"Who's this 'Ashton'?" Our dad asks, narrowing his eyes at Taylor.

"No one!" She quickly answers. "I'm leaving."

And she walks past me, she hits me on the back of my head, muttering, "Asshole."

"That's my girl." Dad chuckles.

"Oh shut up Adri." My mom sighs, hitting my dad on the head, as Tay just did to me.

"That's my mom." I mock. He sticks his tongue out, moving his head weirdly, mocking me right back. My family might not be perfect, but I wouldn't change them for the world.

Unless... Maybe adding Brooke wouldn't be a bad thing...


"Taylor." I say sternly when we are alone in her room.

"Yes darling brother?" She laughs innocently.

"Why did you lie to mom and dad about eating?"

Her smile drops. "Uhm, I uh, I just don't feel good, and I know that if they found out they'd make me skip school. I already missed yesterday, and didn't want to repeat that." She says. My gut tells me she's lying, but I'd like to believe my own sister. I nod, saying goodnight and leaving.

What would she have to hide though? Nothing. That's what. There is nothing wrong with her, so I'll just drop it.

I wake up in the morning, hopping in the shower, scrubbing until the green is out of my strawberry blonde hair that I got from my mom. Besides her hair and lips, I look exactly like my dad, and besides his hair and eyes, my sister looks exactly like my mom. I walk out of my bathroom, throwing on a v-neck with a leather jacket, and jeans over boxers.

Putting on my airJordan's, I walk out and wait for Taylor. After pacing outside her door for awhile, it finally opens. "Finally. God you take forever." I groan. She punches my ribs as she walks by, making me hunch over. "Jesus Tay, you don't have to be so fucking violent." I grunt, following her, still clutching my side.

"But Tyler, how would you learn to stop bitching all the time?" She asks, smiling back at me innocently. She turns back, and I run up behind her, ready to push her down the rest of the stairs. I know, mean, but we do it all the time. "Daaaddddddy." She calls, not even glancing behind her. "Tyler's about to push me down the stairs!" My smirk drops.

"How?! Suck up! Mooooom! Taylor is a freak!"

"Yeah, and I'm the suck up. Asshat."

"Jesus TayTay, what's with all the name calling? I'm just your poor, innocent brother, who doesn't deserve any of it."

She flips me off as I sniffle. "Alright you two. Off the school. And Taylor, stay there this time." My dad raises an eyebrow, challenging her to object.

"Okay." She shrugs. "Bye." She kisses his cheek, before moving onto our mom. I kiss my mom cheek, leaving before my dad can tell me to watch after Tay, and make sure she doesn't get hurt. Don't get me wrong, I love my dad, but the first day we met him, back in Mexico, Taylor and him immediately had a closer bond. They still do. Taylor is his babygirl, and no one is going to get away with hurting her. I guess my sister has had a harder time longer, since our mom has always kind of attached to me.

I am the more emotional one though, hense Tay being the 'badgirl,' in our school, with Brooke.

I'm just popular to be popular, and Emma is the nice popular girl, that everyone loves, and is everyone's friend. She is fragile, which is why those three work. B and Taylor are closed off, and cold to anyone they don't know.

Except for apparently Brooke's brother. I didn't even know she had a brother! Anyways, they always sit at my table since that's where all the populars sit. Except for Alisha and her minions that is. Alisha... well... how do I describe her besides my sister's enemy?

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