Chapter eight

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Zayn and I hang out with my sister for a few hours longer, before we decide we are hungry. "TayTay, you want anything?" I ask her as we go to leave. 

"No, but thank you. I'll grab something in a bit, I think I'm gonna grab a shower first." She smiles back, putting this black and purple nail polishes away. We were just being dorks, but when Taylor started doing Zayn's nails, I decided why not, and did purple.

It has nothing to do with the fact that it's Brooke's favorite color...

"Is she okay?" Zayn asks, glancing up when we are on the first floor in the kitchen. 

I laugh. "Of course she is. If there was anything wrong she would have told me. She's just showering. You know her, all about staying clean." He nods, with a shrug. He gives me a side glance like he knows more than he's letting on. "Why do you ask?" I smirk. "Do you liiiiiike her?" I draw out the words. 

"Pfft, no. She's my best friends little sister, why would I like her?" He defends. I guess he's right. Taylor would be upset if she heard it though. I get a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, but as soon as the smell of food hits, all is forgotten. "So, you think Miss Ferrow will let you have a make up day of detention for football tryouts?" He asks, taking a bite of his chicken quesadilla. 

I shrug. "Maybe. If not, I'll just ask coach for a make up tryout." I take a bite of my own. We start talking about football, when my mom enters the kitchen. 

"Hey kiddos." She yawns. "Are you two thinking about heading to bed soon?" She asks. I kiss her head, giving her a half hug. 

"Sorry mom. We'll head up in a second. Sleep well." She nods, heading back upstairs.

"Alright, we have school tomorrow, sadly, and Taylor will kill us if we aren't up a reasonable time. So let's go?" He agrees, and we head up the stairs. We both climb into my bed, as we have since we were six. Danny, Zayn, and I, have all been best friends since the first day of second grade. When Brooke and my sister became friends actually.


"Tyler! Get your ass out of bed or I swear to God, I will leave you here!" Taylor kicks my side, causing me to roll out of my bed, and onto the floor with a large thud. I groan, folding my arms under my head as a pillow as I lay of my stomach. Suddenly Zayn is laying sideways over my back, and Taylor is standing on us. 

"U-ugh. Munchkin get off me!" Zayn groans over dramatically, as if she could hurt us. That kid doesn't ever weigh more than 115 pounds. Ever. She is so small. Not her height of course, that's pretty average, if not above at 5' 6 1/2". She scrambles back, gulping as we get up. She backs up a step, only being stopped by my bed. 

"I uh, I'm sorry." She looks away. "Now, let's go, I don't want to be late." She gets out, shutting the door behind you. As I get dressed, I catch Zayn looking at the door. 

"Z, calm down. She's fine." I laugh, despite a familiar sensation at the pit of my stomach. "Let's go." I tell him, walking towards my sister's room, not bothering to knock. She screams, throwing whatever what in her hand under the sink, and grabbing mouthwash. 

"My God Tyler, have you ever heard of knocking?" She asks before she takes a large swig of the minty liquid. I simply shrug, resulting in her rolling her eyes. 

"I thought you'd be ready if you were shoving me out of bed." She gulps as she stands up straight after spitting out the mouthwash. 

"C'mon, school isn't going to wait on us." She laughs, grabbing her keys and backpack. She goes to leave her bedroom, before backtracking and grabbing a 24 ounce water bottle. Then we are off. "Bye Ty." She slaps the back of my head, walking off. 

"Great goodbye." Zayn laughs. I can't help but laugh along with him. "Your sister is somethin' else." He mutters, before going to find Danny.
"Please please please Tay? Just give Danny and Zayn a ride to our place and we won't bother you for the rest of the night." I beg my sister over the phone. Two months into school I have dentention, but Z, Danny, and myself all planned to hang out this weekend, so they said they'd just stay from Friday night to Monday morning.

She huffs. "But B and Em are coming over."

"Please TayTay? Brooke has a car, she can follow you home with Emma." 

She doesn't give me a response, but chatter in the background is heard. 

"I hate you." Taylor sighs. 

"Yes! Thank you!" I hang up, walking to detention. 

"Mister Garcia. What a surprise." Miss Ferrow rolls her eyes. 

"Always a pleasure." I reply with a smirk, going over to sit by some of my detention buddies. 

Now I just have to pray Taylor doesn't either kill Zayn and Danny, or jump Zayn. 

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