Chapter 07: Sleep Over

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"Tae it's so...beautiful...mesmerizing even". Jimin says as he stares at Taehyung who had just taken off his brown contact lenses. The latter sighs before making his way to Jimin who sat on the lavender coloured couch. "Thank you Minnie". He replies quietly unable to suppress his sad frown.

Jimin caught a glimpsed of it and he felt bad because Taehyung couldn't show his eyes to anyone except for him and Taehyungs parents. And a certain raven haired Alpha knew that too. He knew it saddened the other very much to hide such a beautiful feature on his face. "Tae I'm sorry I didn't-". The male was then interrupted by Taehyung.

"Minnie it's ok". Taehyung couldn't blame Jimin it's not like he could change his ranking. He was a male omega a ranking only seen in storybooks. But here he was living and breathing hiding his blue eyes.

Taehyung shook his head erasing his thoughts instead he focused on the fun sleepover he and his best friend planned. Jimin put on the movie and they cuddled up with one another. They were like that for about 4 hours before Jimin noticed Taehyung sleeping with his lips out into a cute pout. Jimin chuckled lightly as he pulled a blanket over the smaller and cuddled up with him before going to sleep.
Taehyung had awoken early due to his dream about his Alpha...Jungkook. He missed him a lot. The smaller knew that he shouldn't be acting this way as he saw the Alpha just yesterday. But he can't help it Jungkook was sweet and caring towards him. He also liked the fact that Jungkook was a walking space heater.

He liked that when he got cold the Alpha was there to warm him up. He noticed that while they met in the storage room. Even thinking about that fact made his heart flutter he really loved Jungkook. "Tae Kim Taehyung hello". Taehyung shook his head snapping out of his thoughts. His gaze fell upon Jimin waving his hand in front of his face.

"S-sorry Jimin I was just-". Jimin shushed him before smirking. "I know you were thinking about Jeon Jungkook". Taehyung looked at him with wide eyes before hiding his face in embarrassment. Jimin chuckling at his behaviour.

Both snapped out of their zone when a knock was heard on the door. "Jimin and Taehyung time to wake up sweeties". It was Taehyungs mom she opened the door holding a tray full with food. "Ms. Kim you really didn't need to make this much".

"Uhm Jimin what do you mean of coarse she needed to make lots of food especially when both of us eat like pigs". Taehyungs mom laughed a bit before ruffling the omegas hair. "I need to go to work sweetheart remember when there's anything wrong call me ok".

They both nodded while their moths was filled with food. "Oh you two are adorable". Both had finished their food about thirty minutes after Taehyungs mom left.

They were watching a movie while eating popcorn. Suddenly startled by a loud ring from a phone. "Tae it's Jungkook". Jimin says as he handed the phone to Taehyung. "Kookie!".

Jungkook chuckles on the other end. "Tae I'm coming in a bit". Taehyung immediately squealed at the other words Jungkook having to pull his phone from his ear. "You are?!". Jungkook just chuckled but stopped abruptly when he heard Taehyung gasp.

"Tae baby are you ok?". Jungkook said but all he got was just a ton of random words before the smaller hung up on him. "Omggggg Jimin my clothes my face my whole being I need to fix this". Taehyung says as he ran to the washroom Jimin staring at him dumbfounded.

"Jimin hyung helppp". Jimin sighed and went to go help Taehyung. This is gonna be a long ass day Jimin thought as he looked at Taehyung running around like a crazy person.

To Be Continued...

Blue Eyed Omega [Taekook] |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now