Chapter 08: Pain

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"Shit my rut is coming soon". The raven says as his head hang low. Jungkook dreaded that day coming it was all in his mind yesterday. But he couldn't let that show after he saw Taehyung. The adorable boy made him forget everything.

He shook his head getting rid of his thoughts. Right now he will have a great evening with Taehyung and will forget about his situation. He closed his car door as he had just arrived at Taehyungs house.

Before he could even ring the doorbell the door was opened suddenly and Jungkook was engulfed by a big hug. He knew it was Taehyung so he hugged back putting his hands on the smallers tiny waist. "Kookie you're here".

Jungkook smiled but he immediately dropped it as he saw Jimin. Suddenly feeling possessive of Taehyung. "What are you doing here!". The Alpha says in a dominating voice Taehyung who was still hugging him whimpered by the deep voice and tight grip on his waist.

"Jungkook calm down I was here for a sleepover and trust me I have no intentions on getting Taehyung besides I like Yoongi". Jimin blushed as he literally just admitted to them that he liked the small Alpha.

Jungkook only nodded but Jimin took that as a sign to leave. So with a quick goodbye he left. "Kookie why did you make him leave I wanted us to hang out". Taehyung says as he looked up at the other with big innocent eyes.

Jungkook smirked and just pulled the other on the couch making him sit on his lap. "Why do you not want to be with Alpha?". Taehyung whimpered as the ravenette used his Alpha voice. The omega looked down he doesn't get why Jungkook was suddenly acting like this. He also wondered why the others smell was stronger.

"N-no I like to be with you Kookie". Jungkook nodded as he stared intensely at the other. He was too beautiful for his own good. Then he felt it, heat rushing throughout his body his eyes burning. "Fuck not now!". He says as Taehyung looked at him scared.

To Be Continued...

Blue Eyed Omega [Taekook] |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now