Chapter 04: Basketball Game Pt.1

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Taehyung and Jimin were now currently sitting in their schools bus as they were heading to the University. It happened really fast as Taehyung felt like it was just yesterday that Jimin called about going to the University. "I am so excited Jeon Jungkook is so hot I swear". Taehyung giggles silently as from the start of the morning Jimin was already screaming from joy.

"Be quite your going to embarrass yourself". Taehyung says holding Jimin down but his attempts were futile as he was weaker then the other. So the other just pushed his hand out of the way and stood up before shouting. "Everyone who's ready to meet Jeon Jungkook WOHOOO".

Some cheered with him as the others looked at him weirdly before going back to their business. "Park Jimin sit down right now if your not embarrassed then I clearly am so please". Taehyung begged using his puppy eyes which Jimin always complied to. So he sat down then the bus started to go.

It'll take about an hour so Taehyung decided to sleep for the mean time while Jimin was looking up photos of Jungkook. Trying to contain himself from combusting because man was the Alphas gaze melting him right now. Even from the picture Jungkook looked like he was about to kill someone.

Now you might question why Jungkook would have pictures online. He had his own fan group that he surely knows about but doesn't care enough for them. Though he did enjoy the lunches that he got on his desk everyday. They weren't that good but it was better then eating nothing.

Taehyung was still asleep by the time the bus arrived so Jimin decided to scream in his ear. "Jiminie why that hurt". Taehyung says as he had a couple tears in his eyes. "Oh sorry Tae now let's go". Jimin held Taehyungs hand stepping out of the bus they rushed to the gym to try and get the best seat.

But their attempts were made futile as every seat was filled already. It was inevitable as everyone knew a certain raven haired male was playing in today's game. Jimin was furious but calmed down anyways. He took Taehyung's hand and they both sat on the floor.

"Is it okay for us to sit here?". Taehyung says as he looked around. "Yes look at those people". Jimin says pointing to people from the other side of the gym sitting on the ground. Taehyung nodded and literally jumped up hearing loud screams. The teams were here.

"Where is he!". Jimin looked around for Jungkook but the sight of a Raven haired male wasn't there. Taehyung smiles at his friend suddenly he feels harsh pain in his eyes. This had been happening lately. "J-jimin m-my eyes hurt". Taehyung says looking at the other but what he got in return was a hand over his eyes and head pushed downward.

"Taehyung your eyes are glowing I thought you wore your contact lenses?!". Jimin says clearly freaking out. Taehyung widened his eyes he was sure he wore his contacts what was happening to him. "J-jimin can we go to the washroom".

The game was about to start but that was not their priority right now. So with Taehyung's head down and a hoodie partly covering his eyes they rushed to the washroom. But it seemed as luck wasn't on Taehyungs side today. The washroom had a line up.

They could just go to the other washrooms unfortunately those were too far and they can't risk anyone finding out especially Alphas. So the best option was to go in the janitors closet. "Fuck why is this happening". Jimin says confused and scared for his best friend.

Taehyung looked around the room to be absolutely sure that no one was there. "Jimin I'll take my contacts off". He then slowly took the brown contacts off while the other was so mesmerized. He really was so beautiful with those blue eyes of his.

Everything was fine until someone had suddenly opened the door. Taehyung who squeaked scared quickly hid his eyes with his hands. Jimin stood in front of him he was a beta so he was still strong but if the person in front of the door was an Alpha that would be really bad.

And to their dismay it was but Taehyung widened his eyes at the sight of him. He finally noticed the scent of mint and pine. It was his...mate.

"J-jeon J-jungkook!?". Jimin says as he was stared intensely by the raven haired male. Taehyung came out from behind him only to suddenly be ingulfed into two strong arms. "I finally found you".

Jungkook had been waiting for so long his patience running out after he had first smelled the scent of his mate. "M-mate". Taehyung says whimpering quietly as he grabbed on to Jungkooks basketball shirt with his tiny hands.

Both were so happy at this point but Jungkook was left confused. Why did his mate smell like an omega? He was male so he had to be a beta he was sure that there weren't any male omegas...right?

Taehyung then stopped hugging him but Jungkook still had his hands on his waist. The smaller male looked in the ground first and quickly looked for Jimin but the other male was gone.

Jimin didn't want to intrude with their first meeting as mates so he left the room. Quickly making his way out only to sit in front of the door. Now he can't just trust the Alpha with his best friend. Though he was quite jealous of Taehyung as his mate was literally Jeon Jungkook. But he was still happy for the both of them.

"Look at me pretty". Jungkook says slowly pulling Taehyungs chin up. His eyes widened at the sight his mate had blue eyes. Jungkook almost buckled his knees at how beautiful his mate was.

"Fuck your so beautiful". He says rubbing his thumb on the others soft cheeks. "A-alpha thank you". Jungkook growled at the name. The younger male was making him go crazy. "Beauty mind telling me your rank".

Taehyung nodded slowly the blush on his cheek seemingly getting darker. "I-I am an o-omega". Jungkook stepped back clearly shocked. "W-what?".

To Be Continued...

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