Chapter 02: Scent

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Taehyung was currently in the principals office along with his bullies. As soon as he entered he saw hard glares from them. "Boys stop it your already in big trouble don't make it any worst!". The principal spoke harshly this was not the first time they had messed with Taehyung. "Tae here's your bag check if anything has been taken out then you can go ahead to your class ok".

Taehyung nodded and looked in his bag and nothing was missing. He was so glad that his contacts were still in there. Contacts were expensive his family wasn't exactly that rich so he had to be careful with them. "It's all here...thank you". Taehyung says quickly coming out of the room seeing that the Alphas knuckles turned white from clenching his fist too hard.

Taehyung walked to his classroom and sat in the back where Jimin sat. The other looked like he had been drenched with water. But no he was just sweating really hard. "Minnie what's wrong your sweating?". Taehyung says as he pulled out his handkerchief wiping the beads of sweat off of his friend . "Thanks but we HAVE A TEST!".

Taehyung giggles at that now it all made sense. Jimin was always like this when it came to test. Even if he studied very hard for it he'll still freak out and do some last minute studying. Taehyung on the other hand would be calm and collected as always. He had to if he freaked out his hormones would go out of control.

Which means that his scent will come out and lure all the Alphas to him. That was something he clearly had to avoid all the time. Taehyung sighed as he turned to face the teacher who had just came in. "Ok class as you know there will be a test today you'll have two hours to write it do your best".

Then the papers were passed and the test started. Taehyung was the first to finish he just wanted to wait for Jimin so he kept checking his test paper. Once the other was done they made their way out of the classroom and school.

"Tae I'm so sorry but I can't walk you home today but I swear tomorrow I can". Taehyung nodded his head his hair bouncing slightly. Jimin cooed a little as the other was adorable before turning the other way and walking off. Taehyung decided to take the shorter route again. But once he stepped in the ally way his knees buckled he had to hold on the wall for support.

Just now he had smelled such an amazing scent. It was a mix of mint and pine smell. Instantly he felt his wolf... mate mate mate. Taehyung widened his eyes at that and looked around for his mate. He slowly walked through the ally way but there was no signs of his mate anywhere or anyone for that matter.

His puppy eyes had a bit of tears in them. His mate wasn't there making him so so sad. But just made his way home where he saw his mom making dinner.  "M-mommy". Taehyung says falling into complete submission.

Taehyungs mom instantly hugged her son. He only ever got like this when he was very upset with something. "Sweetie what's wrong?". The male just looked up at her with doe eyes. "My mate mommy I smelt him but he wasn't there". Taehyungs mom suddenly tightened her arms around him. Feeling protective all of a sudden.

'My baby can't meet his mate now he's way too young' she thinks as she lets Taehyung sob into her shirt.

To Be Continued...

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