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'So we've decided... well, I've decided, there will be no talking about the baby or their lying cow of a mother in my house. Me and Sienna are not going to get involved until I know for sure he's the father.'
'So did you sort things out between you two then?'
'Since I banned baby talk we barely talk at all. He's refusing to ask her for a dna test and judging from the silence treatment I'm receiving, he's definitely not ready to forgive me. Yesterday it was the first time we resembled a normal couple in a very long time but it just doesn't feel real anymore...'
'Why? What happened?'
The girls were eager to know.
'We've had Sienna's parents meeting. It was so good to talk to her teacher and see how well she's doing. Not gonna lie, I've been so worried about her. She's just little and there's so much going on around her.'
'But you're doing a great job with her.'
'I'm really trying my best but me and Alex keep arguing and want it or not she's definitely picked up on it.'
'Lovely, but back to you and Alex.'
'Alright, alright. We took her out for an early dinner before I left and we've had a really nice time. Sienna is the only thing that can makes us forget about everything else. It's hard though,  sometimes I wish we didn't have those kind of moments, it would make things easier.'


Perrie and Alex picked up Sienna from nursery after their meeting with her teachers. They all went out for pizza, Sienna's choice. Alex sat at one side of the table with Perrie and Sienna sitting in front of him.
'We are so proud of you baby girl.'
'Yeah, looks like you've been a really good girl at nursery. And you're learning lots, you little clever clogs!'
'I like going to nursery. Me and Daisy did a ballet show today for everyone.'
'Did you?!'
'Yes and all my friends clapped. I want to do ballet lessons like Daisy.'
Perrie hooked Sienna's pinky finger with hers. 'I promise you when I'm done with this tour I'll find you ballet lessons.'
'Yeah! Thanks mama! I love you so so so so much!'
Perrie laughed.
'Looks like both my girls were born to be in showbiz.'
'Judging from what I'm hearing, I think I'll have to leave my place to Si-si soon.'
'When I grow up I want to be in a band like Little Mix and dance and sing on a stage and be beautiful like mama.'
Alex started to play around teasing his daughter. 'Mmh... I don't know. I don't think anyone could ever be as beautiful as your mama.' Alex instinctively held Perrie's hand on the table. She smiled shyly at him as she felt warmth running from her hand throughout her whole entire body. 'But one thing I know is that you definitely would have to wear more clothes than your mummy when she's on stage!'
'Nothing, daddy's being silly.'
'Daddy's not silly. I just love my girlies and I want them to be mine forever.'

*Flashback ends*

'What do you mean?'
'All these ups and downs... it would be easier to make a decision if to stay or to go if there were no more of those nice moments together, if there was nothing left for us. I'd leave without hesitation.'
'Are they worth though? These nice moments together compared to the bad ones?'
Perrie timidly smiled at her friends. 'They really are, Leigh. And I tried to tell myself I'm only trying for Sienna, but I'm not really. I keep going back to him because I love him and I tried stopping myself from loving him but that hurts even more.'
'After the way he treated you when he found out you went to Jenny's house...'
'He wasn't thinking straight. She scared him, he's so easy to manipulate, unfortunately.'
'What did she say to him? How do you know?'
'Well, I'm not proud of this, but I actually looked through his phone.'
'Well done you!' The girls laughed knowing that Perrie had always been against that type of things.
'What did you find out?'
'That she's a nasty person.'
Perrie took her phone out to show the girls some screenshots she took from Alex's phone.

<<What are you and your wife playing at?!?!>>
<<What are you talking about?>>
<<She just came round mine asking me if I have a boyfriend and if you're actually the baby's father because I don't want you at the scan! What the actual fuck Alex!>>
<<I swear I didn't know she was gonna do that.>>
<<I don't even care about how inappropriate she was. I just want to know right now if you think I'm lying too.>>
<<Of course not!>>
<<I only agreed to have this baby because you wanted it. If you all changed your mind, I'm still in time to change mine too.>>

The girls were dismayed.
'You were right when you said she's nasty.'
'I know. She's horrible and she's playing on Alex's insecurities to get her own way. After reading those texts I understood why he was so mad at me. It's not a valid excuse, I know, but fear is dangerous.'
'Aren't you worried about the fact that this is gonna be the norm now? She literally got him by the balls. He's gonna do whatever she asks him to do, Pez.'
'It's just until she has this baby.'
'Yeah, and then the battle for custody is gonna start. That's emotional blackmail, what she's doing.'
'I'm not getting involved anymore girls. I'm exclusively focusing on our family and our relationship. I'm doing my part, it's up to Alex to do his.'
'Do you think you still got a future together?'
'In all honesty, I don't know. Sometimes I think we do, some other times I think I'm just imagining it.' Perrie stopped to think a moment about her future without that man she loved so much but immediately shivered at the idea. 'One step at the time. Let's just get through the next couple of weeks.'
'Oh yeah, sure. She's got her scan next week, doesn't she?'
'Yeah, the scan is on Thursday. I'm hoping she'll come to her senses and call Alex after. If not, I don't know how we're going to survive our holiday.'
'Are you still going then?'
'Yes, we're leaving on Tuesday. We wanted to cancel it but we decided to go through with it. The holiday is for Sienna, not for us, it wouldn't be fair. She will love Disneyland. I can't wait to see her face once we're there.'
'How are you and Alex gonna cope spending all that time together though? That's the real question.'
'It's only for four days, I think we'll manage not to kill each other. Unless she decides not to let him know about the scan, then he'd probably blame it on me and make our holiday a nightmare, then I'd probably have to stop myself from pushing him down the hotel window. Fingers crossed we won't get to that!'

[Good morning people! I can't believe it's Monday already! I need another weekend lol
A bit less drama for you in this chapter, I think we all needed a break lol although who knows about the next one haha
As you know, I always have a few chapters ready to go, but for some reason when I read this one again last night it didn't convince me so I rewrote most of it. Let me know what you think ;)
Enjoy :) peace and love to everyone xxx]

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