Chapter 32: Bitter Battle

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Stargleam was slightly confused. She looked up the sky, as she meowed, "Starclan, why?"

Two bright green eyes appeared in a bush. "Starclan can't help you now! You'll never escape me!"

Stargleam's tail and fur puffed out. "Who was that?" She asked, shocked.

"It was me, Hollyleaf!" The cat yowled, jumping out of the bush, shaking leaves and twigs out of her fur.

Hollyleaf had Stargleam cornered. There was nowhere for her to run.

Then, Starclan warriors came down from the sky. "We have come to help you fight, Stargleam." A cat near the back meowed.

Stargleam nodded as she clawed Hollyleaf's nose.

Hollyleaf let out a hiss of stress and anger. This alerted the Dark Forest.

All the Dark Forest cats jumped at the Starclan cats and Stargleam.

Stargleam had pinned down Hollyleaf when she felt something move inside her.

She jumped off of Hollyleaf and ran into the blood-soaked clearing.

She laid down, and yowled "My kits are coming!"

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