┊ 5. 秀麗

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t o r u

     taking a deep breath, i playfully spun the ball in my hands before closing my eyes. i know exactly where the bottle is. all i need is to make the ball reach it as i do my usual jump serve. it should be easy right? i mean if she was able to do it. i'm sure i could do it too.

and so i tried.

"the fuck was that." iwa-chan said before i could even see where the ball landed. "if you were aiming for the bottle like she did, you did a good job."

i opened my eyes. "really, iwa-chan?!"

"yeah, you did a good job avoiding it."

"hmpf! you're so mean, iwa-chan!" i shot a glare at him before tossing him a ball. "then you try!"

"no thanks. if you couldn't do it then i couldn't do it."

"what are you guys doing?" kindaichi joined the conversation.

"shittykawa's trying to hit the bottle with his eyes closed." iwa-chan told kindaichi. "he's bad at it though." he snickered.

"let me try!" kindaichi grabbed a spare ball and tried hitting the bottle on the other side with his eyes closed. iwa-chan and i couldn't help but to burst out laughing when we saw where the ball landed. pfft, it didn't even go past the net.

kindaichi glared at us. "it's impossible to hit that without seeing it!"

"no it's not." i took a few breaths before wiping the tears in my eyes. "kirei-chan did it." if only i knew her name.. but i guess calling her kirei-chan also suits her. she is beautiful after all.


iwaizumi nodded. "we saw a girl doing a jump serve here the other day. she hit the bottle in that location while her eyes were closed. even shittykawa here was impressed."

i agree. but honeslty, i wasn't just impressed, it was beyond that. i've seen female volleyball matches before but this was the first time i saw a person float in the air so clearly. it sure was a sight.

"really? is she a player in the girls' volleyball team?"

"no," if only she was, it would be easier for me to look for her. i sighed. "i already asked the captain of the girls team yesterday but they said they didn't know the person i was describing."

kindaichi grinned. "eh? usually girls are the ones looking for you. my, my, how the tables have turned." he looked at iwa-chan. "is this girl that pretty?"

without a second, iwa-chan responded. "yes."

the thought of iwa-chan finding kirei-chan attractive didn't sit well with me. "hey i call dibs on her first!" but of course i played it cool.

"she is attractive but she's not my type. you can have her for all i care." he said before walking to the benches to drink from his bottle.

"woah, she's that attractive? what year is she in?" kindaichi asked.

"i have no idea but i'm guessing she's a third year. kirei-chan looks like she just transferred though." if she's an old student then her face would've been familiar.

kindaichi placed his hands in his chin. "why do we have so many transferees? we also have a new transfer student in our class. she's attractive too.." kindaichi tried to mutter the last part but i heard it. "and i think she knows volleyball too."

my eyebrows furrowed. "what does she look like? does she have a long raven h-"

"she has long dark hair and beautiful hazel eyes. she's a foreigner but her japanese sounds amazing."

my eyes widened. come to think of it, her accent sounded different. it was unnatural but you wouldn't realize it unless you knew she was a foreigner. and kindaichi's description suit kirei-chan really well. could we be thinking about the same person?

"you're from class 2-1 right? what's her name?"

"her name's erin."

a u t h o r

the next morning, erin was glad she woke up early because she had enough time to make herself some heavy breakfast. for the past few days, she couldn't really fix her body clock properly that she often forgets eating breakfast-- which makes her so eager to buy food during lunch breaks. today, however, was different. while some of her classmates rushed to go to the school's cafeteria, erin was comfortably lying her head on her table, waiting to fall asleep any minute.

"oh? aren't you going to eat, erin?" the guy behind her spoke.

she felt guilty that her classmate knew her name and makes all these efforts to become her friend but she always ends up being cold. of course, erin doesn't mean to sound rude but that's how she naturally is.

"no, i ate breakfast." she said loud enough for him to hear. 'ano nga ulit pangalan ng lalaking to? kendall? daichi? argg.' she thought. it annoyed her how she easily forgot his name while he remembered hers. she would ask him but she didn't want to look ruder than she already is.

maybe if a classmate called him, she'll remember.

"but breakfast was hours ago. it's already lunch time." he stood up and walked beside her table. "if you want something from the cafeteria, i could buy for you." he wasn't trying to flirt with her. this was just the way he is.

erin moved her head to his side, still resting her head on her table. "i'm still full but thank you for ask--"

erin couldn't finish her sentence when the sound of girls screaming was heard from the hallways. what could possibly cause those girls to scream? maybe there was a huge rat? or a cockroach flying in the hallways? whatever the reason was, it sure came to their room because even the girls from their classroom started squealing.


"huh?" kindaichi turned away from erin and looked at the door. no wonder the girls were screaming. you see, there's just 2 things that could make the girls of aoba johsai scream like that. it's either they saw something disgusting or they say saw, "oikawa-san."

the name sounded oddly familiar to erin. she didn't know when or where she heard it but she knows that name. so out of curiosity, she lifted her head and looked at the direction her classmates are all looking.

only to see the attractive chocolate haired boy, smirking at her.

"found you, kirei-chan."

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