┊29. 競争

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a u t h o r

     the next day, erin decided to wake up early to get herself ready to watch karasuno and aoba johsai's match. of course, she wasn't allowed to leave the house and do things that would make her tired but watching a match should be okay right? it's not like she's going to be in the court and become their manager anyways. she just wanted to support her team.

no one knew she would come to watch their match today and she wanted that to remain unknown. that's why she decided to wear a black hoodie, a black pants, and a black shades. something that she thought would definitely make her not stand out when in reality, wearing all black was enough to get short glances from people. she even wore a face mask so no one from the team would notice her.

after arriving at the gymnasium, she noticed how there were a lot of people watching. well, it's the semi finals after all and people were curious as to how an underdog school even managed to reach the semi-finals and fight against aoba johsai.

"look, look! it's oikawa-senpai!" the two girls beside erin squealed. "oikawa-senpai!! here!!" they screamed to catch his attention that caused the ravenette to immediately bow her head to avoid getting noticed.

"yaho~" she heard oikawa greet the girls that made them fangirl even more.

"oh my god." erin rolled her eyes in annoyance.

after a few more minutes of everyone warming up and the audience slowly getting filled, the referee finally whistled and the match between karasuno and aoba johsai officially began.

unfortunately for karasuno, oikawa was the first one to serve, and if they were able to get a service ace from this, they fear that aoba johsai would gain momentum so they had to stop them from scoring no matter what.

"nice serve!" kindaichi cheered the captain.

"soy sauce!" iwaizumi yelled.

"pork bone!"


hanamaki and matsukawa both screamed their requests as well. before the match, the seniors threatened oikawa that if he misses his serve, he has no choice but to treat the team food.

"do you guys want me to land this or miss this?!" oikawa annoyingly responded to his team before preparing himself to serve.

after the referee blowed the whistle, oikawa did his jump serve that much to his dismay, got received by daichi. this surprised oikawa because not too long ago, karasuno was too afraid to even try receiving his serves. today, they just did.

the ball went over the net and kindaichi immediately blocked it but kageyama was quick to react.

"nice. kageyama got the first touch, there won't be any fast att—" but before kindaichi could even finish his sentence, nishinoya, the team's libero, was able to set the ball for the spikers that shocked aoba johsai.

asahi spiked the ball and karasuno immediately took the first point.

oikawa was frustrated and so was erin, who tried her best to stay calm in the audience. karasuno took the first point, does this mean they gained the momentum?

surprisingly, they didn't. kageyama was the next to serve but he missed. giving a point for seijoh.

"pfft, that idiot." erin snickered and made a note to herself to tease him about this later.

the next one to serve was iwaizumi. asahi was able to receive the ball but because iwaizumi's serve was intense, it went short that kageyama had to toss it back to their side of the net. tanaka quickly spiked, giving them another point.

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