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     "sorry i'll be leaving early." i said to iwaizumi as i carry both backpacks of erin and mine. she woke up after 3 hours of sleep but the nurse still said she needs to go home and get a lot of rest. coincidentally, karasuno was about to leave as well and because erin lives near karasuno, we had no other choice but to ride with them. i didn't like the idea of course, but erin had to rest and her health is more important than my pride.

"that's alright. make sure you take care of our manager so she can recover quickly." iwa-chan said before grinning. "and i know how much you want to be alone with her but calm your—"

"shut up. i'm not like you." i turned my attention to the side in attempts to hide my face that was starting to heat.

"yeah, you're worse."

"no i'm not!"

"yes, you are."

"no. i'm. not."

"yes. you. are. don't think i haven't seen your computer's hist—"

"both of you shut up." erin, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, spoke. "did you get everything?" she asked, turning her attention towards me.

i nodded. "yeah."

"then let's go." she said before walking ahead.

i gave iwaizumi a quick glance and he nodded at me as a goodbye. quickly, i followed after erin and wrapped my arms around her for support.

"what are you doing?"

"helping? what if you faint again, erin-chan." i pouted.

"y-you don't have to do that. i can walk." she mumbled but she still allowed me to help her walk.

she really was going to have a fever. because we were so close, i could feel her warm breath and the cold sweats she was having. "yeah but i want to help you."

we both walked inside the bus and gave the karasuno team a bow as a thanks for letting us have a ride. i saw how the only seat available was at the back so that's where erin and i went.

"do you want to sit near the window?" i asked and she nodded so i let her sit first before i sitting beside her.

it didn't take long before the bus finally began to move. unlike seijoh, karasuno's bus was quiet and most of them are fast asleep. well, i couldn't really blame them. it's been a long day and they just finished their training camp like us. if i'm being honest, having a long rest sure sounded nice. but i know i won't be getting any rest soon since inter high's about to start.

suddenly, i remembered our agreement.

"hey erin-chan."


"you know..." i took a deep breath before looking at her. "you can resign now." i smiled.

our agreement was that she'll only be our manager until the competitions. now that inter high's starting, she doesn't have any more reason to be with us. she already did her part and i should too. i can't keep making her do things she doesn't want to do in the first place. look at where that got her.

"what do you mean?"

"well.. you remember our agreement right? inter high's already starting in a few days which also marks the end of you being our temporary manager."

"oh." she said before averting her gaze. i couldn't really tell what she was thinking but if i were to guess, i'd say she felt.. disappointed. or maybe that's just me seeing things again.

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