┊19. 心配

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— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —

e r i n

shifting my weight from one foot to another, unconsciously chewing my nails as kindaichi and i nervously nod at each other before flipping our test papers to finally check the test results. my eyes widening in shock as i saw the red letter at the upper right of the paper.

"I GOT AN A?!?!"


we instinctively exchanged papers to check if our eyes were deceiving us— it wasn't. i really did get an A and kindaichi got a B plus.

what the hell, i've been smart this whole time?!

"wait, why are you so surprised? aren't you already smart?" turnip asked.

pfft. if only my friends were here to hear him say that. "if i was smart, do you think i would bother studying with you guys? heck no."

"makes sense." kindaichi sighed in relief as he stretch his arms out. "i'm glad this worked out. we really have to thank oikawa-san and iwaizumi-san for helping us. what do you think we should do?"

"oh yeah.. a gift." i trailed off.

come to think of it, what do i know about oikawa? he already knew something about me the night he walked me to the station, but what do i know about him? i know he loves volleyball and.. um.. he uh.. yeah that's all i know.

"i'll think of something for iwaizumi-san while you think if something for oikawa-san." he said. "i already have some ideas for iwaizumi-san anyways."

"okay. i'll try to think of something." i said before going back to my seat.

the rest of the day went by quickly— no really, classes ended after an hour. diba nga after ng examinations, summer break na? so the instructors won't start teaching until next semester. and honestly, we didn't even need to attend school today. technically, ngayon na ang start ng summer break. unless you failed a subject of course. gusto lang namin ni kindaichi malaman yung results today kaya pumasok kami.

yes, i know what you're thinking. i've only been here for like.. a month, why do i get to have a vacation already? sounds unfair?

well.. not really.

before moving here, i was already a 2nd year. my school days in the philippines were in sync with aoba johsai so sudden transfers wasn't really a problem for me. and i knew how to read, write and speak the language that made it easier for me to pass their online entrance exam while i was a student in the philippines.

so no, it's not really unfair because i didn't really miss school. despite arriving here on short notice, i attended school immediately to make sure i won't get left behind.

and i didn't.

thanks to hi— them.

thanks to them.

"let's head to the gym." kindaichi said as he stood up from his chair.

nodding, i quickly packed my things before making our way to the gym. while walking, i couldn't stop thinking what to give to the captain as a 'thank you' gift for helping us. i mean i could ask him, but that would give it away. even asking iwaizumi would give him the idea of us preparing gifts for them so i can't do that either. should i just.. go for anything? is he the type to appreciate whatever gift he receives?

"oh! they're here!" i heard one of the players yell as we arrive at the gym. kindaichi and i looked at them confusingly as they made their way towards us. "so how was the results? did you both pass?!"

at the corner of my eye, i saw the familiar brown haired captain glance at us, as everyone waited for our response.

i was about to answer when all of our attention turned to kindaichi as he began sobbing. "we.. hic.. did.. hic.. it.. WE PASSED!!!"

on cue, everyone began to cheer, mostly for kindaichi, as they give him various compliments. i watched them celebrate in silence until i began to smell a familiar strong scent of perfume behind me. turning back, i saw oikawa walk towards my direction.

"hey oika—" but i wasn't able to finish my sentence when he completely passed by me, heading somewhere else. oh my god that was embarrassing. akala ko sakin siya pupunta shet! "h-hey wait! i'm talking to you!"

realizing i was saying something, oikawa stopped his tracks and looked back at me. "sorry, i didn't hear you."

i approached him. "i-it's alright." damn, why does it feel so weird that i'm approaching him first? this wasn't a problem for me before.

"what is it?"

my eyebrows rose in shock when i heard him say that. his tone wasn't the usual playful tone he uses every time he talks to me, it was serious. and the way he just stood there in front of me with a cold expression on his face— as much as i don't want to admit— concerned me.

he was different. has he been stressing out too much on the competitions? has he been self practicing these past few days without me knowing? was he having personal problems? did he failed some of his exams because of prioritizing us first?

"i just.. uh.. wanted to thank you for helping us. i wouldn't get an A on my tests without your help. so um.. thank yo—"

"it's nothing. we need everyone to attend the summer camp anyways." he bluntly said before trying to walk away again.

"wait!" i stopped him.

what's wrong? are you okay? were the things i wanted to say but couldn't bring myself to. if i did ask those things, will he tell me?

"what?" he asked.

i doubt he'd tell me.

"n-nothing. sorry for interrupting you."

watching him walk away just like that made me feel something wrong at the bottom of my stomach. for the whole month i've known him, i know he's not normally like this. something was obviously wrong and i wanted to know what it was but.. do i even deserve to know?

you see, that's the problem. i don't. and i blame the way i don't express myself too much. oftentimes, i get misunderstood as a person who doesn't care because i'm not really vocal about my feelings, but that doesn't mean i don't care at all.

in fact, it's the complete opposite.

i'm worried. in all honesty, too worried. but i can't force him to tell me what's wrong, even if i wanted to, i know my place and i don't want to cross that line and risk ruining what he thinks of me.

after all i'm just a manager to him.

nothing more.

nothing less.

sorry ang short (ಥ﹏ಥ)

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