┊28. 汎

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a u t h o r

today was finally the start of miyagi prefecture representative playoffs. anxiousness can be seen at most of the athlete's faces and aoba johsai, who happen to be one of the top schools in miyagi, wasn't an exemption. even oikawa wasn't in his normal cheerful self today. despite playing for years, this season felt unusually nerve wracking for him. was it because he wanted to impress a certain someone? was it because his urge to defeat kageyama was stronger? or was it because this was his final competition with seijoh?

there were many factors and it's clearly stressing the captain out.

"oi, why do you look so constipated?" iwaizumi approached him. "don't you want to look good for your fangirls?"

he sighed. "i don't mind looking ugly just this onc—"

"but erin's here."

immediately, oikawa snapped back to his usual self and smiled. "where?!" he asked as he excitedly glance everywhere to look for the ravenette.

"haha you idiot. why would she be here? she's resting." the ace snickered as he was able to give his friend a false hope.

oikawa pouted. "you're so mean, iwa-chan!"

"maybe i am."

"what do you mean 'maybe'? you are mea—"

the captain wasn't able to finish his sentence when a tall figure stopped before them. oikawa glanced to see who the person was and his brows immediately furrowed when he saw who it was.

"oikawa toru." the olive haired captain stated as if he was about to announce something when in fact, he was just calling his name.

"why so formal." oikawa muttered.

ushijima paused for a moment. "so this will be your last tournament in high school." he bluntly said that striked a nerve to oikawa and iwaizumi.

"you seriously piss me off." oikawa said as he gritted his teeth and clench his fists. "so what? we're definitely going to win this time!"

ushijima looked confused. "that's what you said last season and yet we still won."

"forget what i said last year! this time you'll definitely lose!" oikawa was so sure of himself that it pumped iwaizumi as well. "and when you do, you can't be so proud of your school anymore so stop saying i sho—"

"but you should've come to shiratorizawa."

"shut up!" oikawa who was tired of hearing this from ushijima finally decided to walk away as he feels like talking to this guy would only piss him off more.

"his face seriously pisses me off." he complained as they both walk through the hallways.

"he's annoying as hell." iwaizumi agreed as he clench his fist out of irritation.

it's a good thing they skipped the first round of preliminaries because they wouldn't be able to focus on the match if they did. they still had an hour before their first match begins so some of them decided to watch other school's matches while some decided to rest. oikawa and iwaizumi was part of those who wanted to watch. the two ended up watching karasuno's match.

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