Intention ♤

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"What do you mean she was purposely sent out of the country?... then bring her back!"

Bernard, my second advisor then gave Anne, who stood beside her a meaningful glance. Anne on the other hand remained silent.

"Bernard, can you give me and Ms. Martin a moment?"

I knew from the way Bernard looked at her, she needs some explanation to do...

He bowed to me and politely left.

The moment the doors closed, she threw herself into my arms, yanked me for a kiss...a desperate way of showing how much she missed me. Her kisses were passionate and I wasn't able to respond properly to them. I don't think this is all love related, I tasted guilt as well. I gently put a stop to what she was doing...

"Anne. Did you do this."

She never said anything but how she looked away confirmed what I feared about.

"You purposely sent her away? Why did you do it?!"

"Because she forced me to! You're  completely all over this girl now... do you think I can't see that?! How desperate are you to win her?? Well...she took what is mine and I'm taking what's hers! After all, we did plan this right?'re with me. We've talked about this!"

I stepped away and made a painful distance between us. She knew the way I set my eyes on her was an indication that I didn't like what she was saying.

Doing and deciding things on her own...

She knew how much I hated that.

Taking advantage of her position in my life.


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"Did you... use the royal family's influence on her exile."

I asked her really hoping she'd say No.

She pursed her lips and made a slow nod.

"Anne. I never thought you'd really go to this extent. Haven't you thought of how that lady would feel. You basically ruined the royal family's image to a helpless citizen... simply because she was connected to the future queen of Austria? How can you be so careless. The Krenns, were they aware?"

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