(43) Forgotten Things and Unwanted News

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Chapter 43

“Are you ready for tonight?” It was the end of the day, so we were headed to my house.

“Huh? Ready? For what?” I raised an eyebrow.

Daniel sighed exasperatedly. “Did you forget that fast? You were only worrying about it a couple of days ago.”

“Huh?” I thought about it. Then my eyes widened. With all that had gone on within the past couple of days, I forgot about the double date with Sharon and Robin. “Oh no! I forgot!”

“No joking!” Daniel sarcastically said. “So, I take it you’re not ready?”

“Oh no! What am I gonna do? What am I gonna wear?” I freaked.

“Wear the green shirt I bought you with the black tights and the gold earrings. Matter of fact, give me those silver earrings. I’ll go return them.” He held out his hand.

I rummaged through my backpack. When Daniel told me to take them off, I had stuffed them somewhere in here...

“Ah! Found one!” I said, pulling out the long, dangling earring.

“Huh? Only one! Where’s the other one?” He asked.

“Uhhh ... somewhere in here...” No matter how much I looked, I couldn’t see it. It was probably somewhere on the bottom of my backpack. I’d have to empty my backpack when I got home to find it. When I told Daniel this, he was shocked.

“You don’t know where it is?”

I sighed. “I wasn’t really worrying about them ... so...”

“You should be learning to use this-” He knocked a knuckle on my forehead. “-in school, right?”

I glared at him. “Sorry I misplaced the earring. I told you it’s in here, so you don't’ have to get so angry!”

We pulled up to my house. I gasped. “Don’t park there. Around the corner.”

“Huh?” Daniel said.

“My dad’s home!” I whispered, although it wasn’t like my dad would be able to hear me.

Daniel pulled around the corner and I jumped out and walked to the house. Daddy wasn’t supposed to be home this early on a Friday. He only had the weekends off.

I burst into the house to see Daddy sitting at the dining table, a clear cup with some amber liquid in it. I knew right away what it was. Daddy’s guilty look and the way he hid the cup from my sight confirmed it. “Desiree! You weren’t supposed to be home for another twenty minutes!”

“Daddy? What’s wrong?” I asked. One: Daddy never came home early from work. Two: Daddy never drank in the middle of the day. Three: Daddy’s face was completely haggard and weary.

At my question, Daddy’s face crumbled. “Dez ... I...”

“Daddy?” I felt dread pool at the bottom of my stomach. I knew right away...

“I lost my job.”


Boy do I love a cliffie!

I have a feeling not many people were satisfied with the way Dez handled the kiss...Or many it's my imagination and you guys are getting ready for finals and stuff, so you're study your butt off(personally, I never studied, but don't let me be a bad example for ya! STUDY!)

Buuut. There's five more days, and you guys still have ten unread chapters that I've written! I've got 5,700 words left to write before the 50,000 word mark! Thanks for all your support!

Now, excuse me while I go and work hard. :]


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