Chapter Thirty Two♥

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The people we take for granted are those the universe takes away


Something had broken through her bedroom window. A tree limb with spiked ends slashed its way through the flesh of her thigh and stomach. I stood planted in the doorway, bewildered by the bloody sight. As she bled out, the bedsheets got stained red. "Mom!" I cried, "shit, help!"

People piled into the room, trying to help. The first thing I thought to do was pull out the branch, but agonizing screams pelted my ears. I stopped immediately. 

"No! Son. She screamed. "It hurts." 

"Cut it off," Someone said. I didn't bother to look who it was.

"I can't look," I heard Trisa say before collapsing against my back. I turned to realize she had fainted.

"Call the fucking Ambulance," I shouted. My mom was bleeding out before us, and everyone was just staring at her almost lifeless body. I hauled Trisa onto the loveseat then rushed back to mom's side. "Mom, please stay awake," I begged. Her eyes were barely open and her body shivered with pain. Why aren't they here yet?" I cried.

Sir, they're on their way," Adrian said. I could hear them chattering still, but I couldn't care what they were saying. I couldn't do anything about it, except beg God to spare her life. I felt like it was my fault. That somehow, I caused everything bad that ever happened to her.

"Sir, could you please clear the way," I turn to see a woman and a man dressed in white. They carried a medical kit and a stretcher.

"Please be gentle with her," I said. The woman nodded and gestured for us to leave them in the room. By then, Trisa had awakened and already downstairs with the others.

When the ambulance officers were through, I watched them bring my mom's sleeping body downstairs and out to the ambulance. It was still raining cats and dogs outside. Muddy waters filled the yard and I ventured out to follow the ambulance to the hospital.

Troy, wait. I'm coming," Trisa called, running toward the jeep.

"Fluff, stay inside," I said. "I don't want you to catch a cold."

"I'm coming," She said, opening the door to the passenger's side. "I don't care for a cold Troy, you need me there."

I shook my head at her stubbornness. Deep down I knew she was right and I was just as much stubborn. I tried to put on a poker face but somehow she looked at me like she could see straight through me. Soft hands wrap themselves around me as I sniffled. They caressed the small of my back in a circular motion.

"Baby, she'll be okay. Be strong for her," Trisa said.

"Fluff, I'm scared. I can't lose her."

"I know, Troy, but please don't worry, okay. Let me drive." I didn't bother to resist. I truly was in no condition to drive. When we reached the hospital, we rushed to the ER. 

Before I had the chance to ask, a Chinese Doctor approached. "This way, Mr. Wilson."

"You're well known," Trisa raised her eyebrows.

"Kinda." I forced a laugh. She squeezed my hand. i knew she was just trying to lighten the mood, but it didn't work. The closer we came to where my mother was, the more anxious I became. The Doctor let us into his office and closed the door behind us.

"Mrs. Wilson had an extreme injury. She lost a lot of blood, sir," the doctor said.

"I fucking know that already," I hissed.

"What he means is, how is she, Doctor?" Trisa added.

The doctor shifted in his seat and cleared his throat. "She fell in a coma. My team is working to get the rest of the wood out of her belly and her leg. As soon as that's done, they will do what's necessary."

"Fuck!" what if she never wakes up?

I felt my heart sink into my chest.

"For now, you need to go home and Pray. As soon as there are any improvements, we'll call you," The doctor said. He's been our family doctor for years. He knew all too well not to keep me in the hospital. He's felt my anger in the past. I was older now, and I could tell he still remembered. His eyes gave it away.

My grandmother died of a heart attack not long after she started coming around. My mother had admitted here in this very hospital under Mr. Peters's care. At the time, he was just a young doctor making his name. I was a boy, angry that she couldn't come home with us. I didn't know what death meant. All I wanted was for her to come home, but he said she couldn't it. The anger in me boiled, and I threw one of the chairs in the waiting area at him. It broke his nose.

"Babe," Trisa called, dragging me out of thought. "Let's go." I nodded, and we got up and left the office. On our way to the parking lot, I noticed many people rushing in with their family members. The storm dealt with us rather harshly. Floodwaters rushed down the side of the road and as we drove home. We noticed fallen trees and broken power lines.

Trisa stretched one hand and caressed my cheek as she drove. When we got home, she led us into the house. She updated everyone on mom's condition and we retired to my bedroom. I was numb.

"Hey, I told Adrian to fix some clothes for your mom. We'll bring them tomorrow," Trisa said as she entered the room once more. I nodded.

Why me, God?

"Come here," she called, after stripping out of her clothes. She wore one of my button-down shirts and her underwear to bed. I heaved her into my chest, but she refused. Instead, she laid on her back and pulled my head onto her chest. I fell asleep to the sound of her beating heart in no time.

By the time morning came, I was well-rested, until the burden of memory crept into my mind.


I prayed that she woke up. She had to. After my prayer, the ring of the phone caught my attention. "Hello."

Mr. Wilson, we have a situation," Doctor Peters spoke into the phone.

"What?" I asked. Trisa jerked awake next to me.

"Mrs. Wilson lost a lot of blood. So far, we've tried our best," He said, "Come to my office right away." I dropped the phone from my ears.

"What Troy?"

I couldn't answer. All I could do was stare into space. My heart plunged further into my chest.

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