Chapter 40

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"I don't know, Baby," Frank mumbled. "I don't think that's a very good idea."

"B-but I want Andy to come to my wedding," I whimpered.

"I know you do but it just isn't right," he said.

"Please, Daddy," I begged. "He's my friend, I want him to come."

He sighed quietly and nodded.

"I'm gonna write my own special invitation for him," I said.

I got some paper and crayons as I smiled.

Andy can you pleese come to my wedding that is on August 27? I rilly want you to come becus your my frend.

Frank helped me put it into an envelope and I smiled as I wrote 'to: Andy' on the front of it.

"All done, Daddy," I said.

Frank smiled and picked me up, carrying me on his hip. We went outside and I whimpered as I looked around nervously.

"The men who took you and hurt you were caught and arrested, Gee, you're safe now," he said.

I nodded, still a little bit nervous. Frank carried me to the mailbox and I smiled as I put it in. Frank smiled as the two of us got back in. He set me down on the floor and sighed quietly.

"Alright now, time for you to learn to walk again," he said.

"But we already practiced so much yesterday," I complained.

Frank held both my hands and pulled me up to my feet. I whimpered as I wobbled a bit, almost falling before Frank held my hips to keep me steady.

"Just one step at a time, Baby," Frank said.

I nodded, taking a slow, cautious step. Frank smiled reassuringly, holding my hand.

"Remember, every step you take you get to stay up five more minutes past your bedtime," he said.

I nodded my head and took another step. I started to fall backwards but he caught me.

"It's alright, Little Kitten, Daddy's got you," he said softly.

I stumbled a bit, going to take another step when I fell.

"Two steps, baby, that's good!" he cheered.

"I won't be able to walk down the aisle," I whimpered, my eyes watering.

"Yes you will, baby, I promise you will," he said. "All that you've gotta do is just lean to balance and then after that you'll be walking again just like normal."

I nodded and Frank helped me to stand up.

"Alright, just try standing here, no walking at all," he said.

I nodded, swaying a bit as I tried to keep my balance. Frank let go of me and I let out a small shriek in fear.

"Don't worry, baby, you've got this," Frank said.

I nodded, wobbling a bit as I held my arms out to try and help balance myself. Frank smiled softly as I stood there before falling down onto my butt. He gave me a kiss and I giggled happily.

"I love you so much," Frank muttered.

He set me down onto the couch and I smiled.

"I think you get twenty minutes off for that," he said. "So that's thirty minutes in total."

I giggled happily and clapped my hands.

"And we're going to go try cakes today," Frank said.

"Why are we having our wedding so soon?" I asked "It's already in only two weeks!"

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