Chapter 41

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I held hands with Frank as I took a few steps.

"Good job, Baby Boy," Frank praised.

"I-I think my balance is getting a lot better now," I said.

"It really is," he said.

"And we're getting married tomorrow," I said. "D-Daddy, I'm really scared."

"That's okay, so am I," he said.

I nodded and took a few more wobbly steps forward. I walked all by myself to the living room on shaky legs before sitting down on the couch. It was already starting to get late, it was almost bedtime.

I gave Frank a kiss when he sat beside me and he smiled. He hand gotten his hair cut for the wedding, it was shaved at the sides now but a bit longer at the top.

"Time for you to go sleepy," he said.

"No sleepy," I pouted.

"Come on, beautiful, you don't wanna be tired during the wedding," he said.

"But I don't wanna go sleepy, Daddy," I whimpered. "Because if I go sleepy then tomorrow will come sooner and I don't want it to come sooner b-because what if I mess up something and ruin the wedding and you don't love me anymore?"

"Baby, I will love you no matter what," Frank said. "You don't have to ever worry about me not loving you."

I sniffled and nodded, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Besides, our wedding is going to be absolutely perfect," he said.


Jamia fixed my Veil, fixing up my last bit of makeup.

"There we go, it's perfect," she said.

"I-I can't go out there," I whimpered. "I-it's too scary."

"Gee, you're gonna be fine, Sweetheart," Jamia said, kissing my cheek.

I whimpered, shaking my head quickly.

"What if I fall?" I asked. "What if I rip my dress? When if I get really nervous and throw up on Daddy's shoes? What if—"

"Gee, everything is going to be perfect," Jamia interrupted. "You're gonna go and have a beautiful little ceremony and then we're gonna go back to the reception hall and we're gonna party. And you haven't seen Frank but he is all dressed up and he is so excited, he can't wait to see how beautiful you look in your wedding dress."

I nodded nervously and she smiled, kissing my cheek.

"Alright now, it's time for us to start walking down that aisle," she said. "Mikey's gonna be down here in just a minute to give you away."

I nodded my head and watched around the corner as music started playing when the wedding party began walking down the walkway.

"You nervous?" Mikey asked.

I jumped in fright, looking behind me.

"Mikey, what if I mess up?" I asked. "Princesses don't mess up and I'm not a princess which means that I will mess up."

Mikey sighed, sitting down on a bench with me.

"Remember when I used to take care of you when you were little?" He asked. "Back when you were still just a tiny little kitten?"

"I remember some but I was really little then," I said.

"I used to tuck you into bed every night, you had a tiny little toddler bed that was shaped like a castle," he said. "You always used to make me read you the same story over and over again and then would have me cuddle up in your tiny toddler bed with you and tell you about how you're a princess until you fell asleep."

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