Part 5

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I sat down in Potions class the next morning, my head was pounding as I rested it down on the cool desk in a hope to ease the headache. Lola collapsed in her chair, groaning at me as I turned my head enough to smirk at her, she didn't come back to bed last night.

"Do NOT say a word!" She hissed at me.

"Was he worth it?" I asked her, chuckling at the look on her face as she shook her head and buried it in her hands.

"Well aren't you two a sight for sore eyes," Draco muttered, sliding into his seat beside me. I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to hide the heat rising to my cheeks as the memories of the night came flooding back. Even hungover he still looked gorgeous.

"How do you not feel as crap as I do? We drank the same amount!" I exclaimed.

"We did not Olivia. Every time you went to make us both a drink, you'd finished both cups before you even made it back to me!" He was laughing as he ran a hand through his hair.

Slughorn walked into the classroom cheerily, his excited voice making me cringe. I couldn't take in a word of what he was saying. I lifted my head up and nearly gagged as my nose was overwhelmed by the smell of Draco's cologne.

"Oh god!" I muttered, my headache getting even worse. "Did you put on a full bottle of your cologne this morning or something? It smells so strong!" He smirked at me.

"Do you not like the smell of my cologne, Olivia?" he whispered to me.

"Not when it's that strong I don't, especially when I'm this hungover." I held back a gag as Lola shoved a small vile in front of me.

"What is this?" I asked and she shrugged, clearly paying about as much attention to the class as I was.

"This," Slughorn announced to the class, "is Amortentia."

"The most powerful love potion in the world!" Hermione added, Lola and I both rolling our eyes at her. 

"Correct, Miss Granger. Amortentia has a different aroma for everyone who smells it, reminding each person of the things that they find most attractive. Now, I want you all to have a sniff and describe what you smell to the rest of your tables and then have a try at making it yourselves."

"Alright Olive, what do you smell?" Lola asked, giving hers a sniff before turning her nose up at it.

"I can barely smell anything over the stench of Malfoy's cologne." He smirked at me as Lola gave me a funny look, sniffing the air. "But I can smell rain, a new book smell, and mint and..." I smelled it again, "wood? Like our brooms I think." I scrunched up my nose, confused. "What does yours smell like?"

"It smells of lavender, freshly cut grass and smoke?  Smells like something burning," she said. Behind her, Seamus Finnigan threw something into his cauldron which caused it to explode in his face, leaving him covered in soot, his hair frazzled.

"Hmm, I wonder who that last smell could be," I said sarcastically, as I watched her admiring him from where she sat. "What do you smell?" I nodded to Draco and he lifted the small bottle up to his nose, he had a funny look on his face as he looked at me.

"Nothing, it doesn't smell of anything," he said quickly.

"Come on, it must smell of something! What is it?"

"Fine, I can smell green apples, vanilla and like a hint of chocolate." He sighed, jealousy cursing through my veins as I stared at him as I tried to read his face.

The rest of the morning dragged by slowly, and by the time dinner had arrived I was completely out of it. I flopped down onto the sofa in the common room, Lola doing the same as she rested her legs on my knee.

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