Chapter 1

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My head slammed to the hard metal door of my locker. Her fist collided with my cheek rapidly. Typical punches. I hold back my screams of agony trying to stay still as much as possible.

"Aww what are you gonna do about it? Cry and cut your wrist?" she gave me a comical laugh, making her irritating voice echo in my ears.

"Hey, cut a little deeper this time, maybe you would die from blood loss, and I won't have to see your fat ass very day,emo bitch!" she hissed, slamming my head harder to the lockers.

I just stared, with the blank expression I always put on, not saying one word. If I do, I would look weak to her, which I'm not. I could take her down, punch the shit out of her and oh how much I craved for it! But in this god damn school starting a fight means serious trouble. All teachers love her so when they see her bullying me, they just pretend they didn't.

She looked around to see if teachers were passing through the narrow corridor then let me go with another punch on my right side. I stared at her as she walked down the hall, flipping her long blonde hair, her little gang in heels following her with a fit of giggles.

"Fucking whore. Miranda" ı mumbled under my breath. Brushing my hand on my right cheek gently which caused me to wince in pain.


Before the warning bell rang, I ran to ladies room, locked myself in one of the stalls. I cried silently. I was afraid someone would hear me. I can't take it anymore, everyday it's the same routine. I pulled out my necklace under my uniform.

It was a really small wooden box with a lock that I have wrote "Don't Panic" on it with a sharpie. I opened the tiny box and got my best razor out of it. I looked at it for a moment as another tear escaped from my right eye, burning my new bruises. I pulled up the sleeve of my shirt,pressed the razor on my arm then slowly cut down. I hissed in pain and pleasure, I could feel something she made me feel, and I could do it myself. I watched my warm blood flow, dancing on my skin between my cuts giving me the satisfaction and letting the burning pain out which was stuck in my guts for a long time.

My sobs got even louder by the second I realized what I was doing. She was right...

The hardest part of all was admitting that she was right, I did exactly what she said to insult me. Another loud sob escaped from my throat as I think of it. I was about to stop. I was so close, for the past two months I resisted the urge to cut but now I looked down to my bleeding arm, ashamed of myself.

I pressed my lips againts my fresh cut, tasting the sharp iron taste of my blood and tried to stop crying.

They can't hear me, they shouldn't..

I pressed the toilet paper to clean the blood out, trying to control my crying. I sniffed and dried my eyes carefully, avoding the contact with my cheek. 10 minutes passed as I unlocked the door and got out. Checking myself in the mirror,wiped up my tears with another tissue and brushed my hair with my hand, letting it fall on my bruises to hide them. After that I decided I look good enough to go out, I put up the quiet girl role I always do. As I stepped out of ladies room the bell exploded in my ears meaning I have to run for my next class.


After a long long physics class that felt like forever I ran to the parking lot, getting in my tiny bright yellow car. Another day was over in this hellmouth, now I can go home, thank god. I'm not even worried of my new forming bruises, I'm not even thinking of the reaction my mother will give me. She is used to it. We had a fight a long time ago, even if she is worried and furious about the bullying, she lets it drop because she knows how upset I get when it comes to my school life.

As I drove home ı blasted My Chemical Romance's new album Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, singing along with my horrible voice.

I stopped by my best friend house -well also my only friend- waited for him to come out. As Cody walked to my car he put a giant smile on my face. He was the only one who understand me. He sat next to me,

"Heeey sup sweets?" he said and giggled, he knew I hated when he talked like that.

Oh my sweet gay best friend! How much I love him, he is the only one that mattered to me. I'm totally okay with him being the way he is also I support him unlike his douchebag father.

"Like always, I would give anything to get rid of that bitch Miranda" I said with a careless voice.

"Jesus, I wish I could come to help you. But y'know the only way is, me wearing a skirt" he said touching my new bruises then he chuckled nervously.

Yeah my school is a girls school, which I truly hate. No boys allowed, maybe that's why Miranda is so harsh on me. She can't get a dick in her mouth on school hours, so she takes it out of me. I laughed at my thoughts.

We decided to go to the mall for Starbucks. After drinking our coffee, and having a little chat and some window shopping, we got out of the mall.Then I dropped him off by his house, and drove home.

It was nothing special just a typical day for me. I told myself while searching for my keys in my backpack.

I unlocked the front door with a sign "MOM I'M HOME!!"

"Finally.." she said with total exciment.


"First of all you talk to me properly, I'm your mother not your friend."

"Fineee what is going on?!"

"I got a suprise for you, I got plane tickets to Jönköping, to see your cousin!"


"Yeah, pack your stuff, we are going next weekend!"


Th'ats the first chapter of my story, hope you like it. I'll try to update as soon as possible. Please Comment or Vote if you like the story. And I have pretty great ideas so keep on reading. And seriously Thanks For reading, love you all!


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