Thursday, December 9th

316 22 1

Kara and Lena hurry off of the delayed bus into the classroom. Today check-in isn't canceled and they need to hurry. 

'Goodmorning today at the check-in we want to see your question assignment. And we are starting a new assignment.' The teacher says as the door bursts open and all the bus students come in. 

The teacher sighs. 'Those busses are a waste of my time.' 

'For everyone that just came in. We want to see your question assignment. After that, we are starting a new assignment.' 

Lena leans over to Kara. 'Psst. Sam just texted me.' 

'Who's Sam again?' Kara whispers. 

Lena rolls her eyes and chuckles. 'She's my best friend. And one of the other exchange students in the other class. They had the check-in yesterday. Ans she told me that if the questions assignment is up to date we get bonus points.' 

'Good to know.' Kara says as she goes back to paying attention. 

Lena punches Kara on the arm. 'We haven't answered the question today. Oh and not yesterday either.' Lena says. 

'Damn, we need those points.' Kara says.

'Of course, we do! So listen: what makes you cry?' Lena whispers over to Kara.

'Unions!' Kara answers as the first thing she can think of. 'You?'

'Myself, my family, basically everything.'

Kara frowns. She should have expected it from Lena but still didn't.

'Next question, what do you do when you're nervous?' Lena asks.

'I eat.'

Lena bursts out in laughter and Kara joins in as the teacher looks annoyed in the direction of the two girls.

'So what about you?'

'I ruin my thumb fingerprints by scraping them with my nails over and over again. It doesn't hurt when I'm doing it but it hurts afterward.' Lena says.

Kara and Lena look at each other. And then at the paper. They write the answers down as fast as they can before the teacher comes by.

Luckily the girls finish in time and get the extra points!

'Okay students. We have checked all the assignments. Three bonus points are given out. Now we will start with our next assignment.'

The other teacher takes over. 'The new assignment is called: in the spirit of Christmas. We want to teach you about the fact Christmas isn't all about receiving but even more about giving. Not all giving to the ones you love but also giving to strangers. That's why this project is all about random acts of kindness. Can anyone name an example of random acts of kindness?' 

Lena raises her hand. 'Mailing a card or letter to someone you don't know.'

'Very nice example. That's how simple it will be. You will all do at least 3 random acts of kindness before Christmas as your group of two. On the day of Christmas, you arrange a big act of kindness and make someone happy with it.' 

The other teacher takes over talking again. 'Yes, that's right. You will work this out in an essay of at least five papers involving your plan for the big act of kindness. It will count twice as hard or your grades.' The teacher finishs as all students nod. 

'Then this is your starting sign. Go make plans and go be kind!' The teacher smiles. 

Lena grabs her notebook and tosses it on the table.

'So any ideas?' Lena asks.

'No, but I know you have!'

Lena chuckles. 'Yes, I do actually. Let's make a list first.'

'Nerd.' Kara whispers without Lena hearing it. But in the meantime, Kara is drowning away in her green liquid eyes. So stunning!

When she snaps back to reality Kara realizes Lena has already started with the list. This is what the list looks like so far.

Random acts of kindness:
-making cards and posting them
-playing games with kids in the park
-making dinner for people who can't themselves.
-making Christmas cookies
-doing volunteer work
-tell someone why they mean a lot to you
-buy flowers for a stranger

'Wow, Lena. You're full of ideas.'

'Yes, I am. It's because I recently read a book about random acts of kindness. It was really interesting and inspiring but I'm really shy. That's why I didn't do anything with it. But now I have to!'

Kara laughs. 'I like the fact you're so excited for this.'

Lena smiles back as she goes on writing the list with more ideas. Kara looks at Lena again. She is wearing a grey sweater and wide black pants today. It's casual but also very chique.

Lena is very good at dressing herself. But Kara doubts if that's because she knows fashion or she just looks good in everything.

After 10 minutes Lena is done making the list. It's a big list. They pick three little things to do and one big thing.

'You pick two first.' Lena says.

'Hmmm.... let's see. I pick 'leaving money in the vending machines. Because well, you know it would make me happy. And 'playing games with kids in the park'. What about you?'

'Okay, then I pick: having Christmas with lonely people and leaving little presents on the bus.'

Kara and Lena smile at each other as they finish writing their plan for the random acts of kindness. It's going to be great!

The two girls spent the rest of the day buying stuff and getting ready for the first acts of kindness.

A/N: Hi everyone, WOW! More than 1000 reads yay! Short chapter today. Mostly because I'm tired. Still hope you like it <3

Question for you: Did you do a random act of kindness sometime? I did. I wrote a card to people of a random house :)

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