Sunday, December 12th

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Lena sits at Kara's desk reading a new book she started. Kara is just laying on her bed scrolling on Instagram and TikTok and laughing out loud once in a while.

'You know what Kara?' We forgot to answer the daily question yesterday. Oh and we also forgot to take a selfie.' Lena says.

'No, we didn't forget the selfie. Look I took one.' Kara says as she shows Lena her phone with a photo of the two girls during cooking. Kara is smiling in the picture Lena is just looking very serious and concentrated.

'KARAAA WE CAN'T USE THIS PICTURE.' Lena yells as she tries to take the phone from Kara.

'Okay, okay I'll delete it.' Kara shrugs after five minutes of being chased by the Irish girl.

The blonde and dark-haired girls take a good selfie together.

'So we also need to answer the questions. One for today and one for yesterday.' Lena says.

'Alrighty, the first question 'How do you usually celebrate Christmas?' 

'My answer will be very short. I don't with my family I only do a gift exchange with Sam.' 

Kara's mouth drops open. 'That's the only thing you do?' 

'Yes, it's pretty sad but it's okay. Most of the time I just read a good Christmas book and then I'm happy again.'

'You need to prepare. My Christmas is very different.' Kara laughs. 

'We have Christmas karaoke night on Christmas eve. My mom, Alex, and I all invite one friend. This year it's of course you who will be my friend.' Lena smiles as Kara says that. 

'On Christmas morning we all get presents. After our big Christmas breakfast, we will do something fun. That is often like building a snowman or going out to drink chocolate milk at the village square. In the afternoon we will do our secret Santa presents. And then we will eat a delicious Christmas dinner. In the evening we will take the little Christmas lights walk around the city. It's the best because it's cold but the lights keep you excited. So that's my Christmas.' Kara smiles even by thinking of it. 

'Oh wow, that's so cool! Is that what you're doing this year too?' 

'Yes, it is! I'm really excited you can join this year!' 

Lena mutters something about being nervous but Kara doesn't hear it. 

'The next question is: If you could make a holiday what would it be about?' Kara reads from the booklet. 

'About books and the fantasy that writers can create. Everyone had to dress in reference to their favorite book.' Lena says proudly. 

'Wow, You thought of this question before haven't you?' 

'Guilty.' Lena admits. 

'I would have a holiday around sports. Because staying in shape is very important. And it will allow everyone to try new sports and discover new talents.' Kara says. 

'That's well thought. I honestly thought you were about to suggest a holiday with food as a theme or something.' Lena says. They laugh about what Lena says and talk a little more before going back to their books and social media. 

'What do you want to do today?' Lena asks as she closes her book. 

'I don't know. I usually don't really do so much on Sunday.' Kara shrugs. 

'Don't you have some fun activities we can do in this little village?' Lena asks. 

'Nah, not really. What do you mean with fun activities?' 

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