Friday, December 31st

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It's just a bit after midnight in Dublin. Lena is still sitting awake on her hotel bed. She can't sleep from the jet lag but also from everything that has happened during the day. 

Now she is making a list in her notebook with options on when and how she can fly out. There aren't many options. There is one option she can consider but she has to wait and see how it turns out if it will succeed. 

From Ireland, she can take the ferry to England and she maybe can fly from England to America. Although the chances are big she also has a denied clearance for flying in England. 

Lena just has to wait a while until the service desk in England opens so she can call. 

She is looking around her room to find something she can do. The only thing she can think of is Kara. But then she remembers she promised Alex to keep in touch. 

Luckily she wrote Alex her number down in her journal on the page with her emergency people. The number gets dialed and the phone gets ringing. 

'Hello?' A confused voice says on the other end of the line. 

'Hey Alex, It's me, Lena. I'm calling from this phone because something happened...' Lena says. 

Alex is all ears. 'What happened?' 

Lena sighs. 'A lot. I'm not even sure about everything that has happened but I will tell you the basics okay?' 

'Yes, please tell me. Kara isn't around so take your time.' 

'Firstly I found out by a call that my mother is in prison. That's not the worst part. It's a bit relaxed she isn't around. But my brother Lex found out about Kara and me and he knows I want to go back to Wellom. Then he made this whole speech about why I can't fall in love with anybody, why I can't be a lesbian, and why I need to stay here. He also said some terrible things about Kara. And that's the point where I got raging mad and I slapped him in his face. As a reaction to that, he first smashed my phone and then threw it out of the window.' Lena rambles. 

'Lena that's so bad. So now you don't have a phone anymore?' Alex asks. 

'Unfortunately, I'm not done yet. Some more terrible things have happened. I can just buy a new phone but I'm not sure if I can fix the following things.' 

'What is it? Please tell me. Maybe I can help.' 

'I doubt that. But you listening to me is very nice already. I didn't tell you yet but my brother also told me he made sure I have a denied clearance for flying. This means I can't fly anywhere from the airport.' 

Alex starts yelling. 'What the f- I hate your brother! So now you're stuck in Ireland?' 

'Yup. I'm calling the service desk at English airports later to see if I can fly from there but I'll doubt it. My brother probably thought of a denied clearance for flying from England too.' Lena says. 

'If he's smart he would have done that I think...' Alex says. 

'Yes, I imagine so too. After that fight, I went to a hotel room because I could not stand myself being at the Luthor house. That's where I am now.' 

'I'm glad you're safe. Can you update me when you know something?' 

'Yes, I will. And Kara knows my phone broke. I'm gonna call her in a minute. But you have to reassure her if I don't call her for quite some time. Okay?' Lena says. 

'I will take care of her. Don't worry. And please be careful! Talk to you later.' Alex says. 

'Thanks, I will. Talk to you later.' Lena says right before she hangs up the phone. 

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