Saturday, December 25th

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It's Christmas morning. Eliza walks into Lena and Kara's room only to find them snuggled up against each other. 

In the Danvers' house, it's tradition to wake each other on Christmas morning by playing Christmas songs. Eliza plays 'all I want for Christmas is you' and dances around in a Santa hat. This is also the way Kara and Lena wake up. Happy, but a little disturbed. 

Kara immediately knows it's Christmas morning. She jumps out of bed and helps Lena out. 'Come on. It's my turn to wake up Alex. Last year she woke me up with a megaphone. We are with two now so we don't need that.' 

Lena yawns. 'Okay, what is the thing I need to do?' 

'Just make a lot of noise with these pans. If Alex throws a pillow to your head just keep going.'' Kara shrugs. 

They quietly make their way over to Alex her room and Kara counts down. 3... 2... 1... NOW! She screams. They enter the room and make a lot of noise by singing Christmas songs and banging with these pots and pans. Alex gets annoyed instantly and throws pillows to (mostly) Kara's head. 

When she is fully awake Kara and Lena exit the room. They go into Kara's room. 

'Here: A pair of Christmas pajamas. I assume you don't have one but our tradition is to wear it.' Kara says. Lena and Kara quickly dress into another pair of pajamas and they make their way downstairs. When everyone gathered they unwrap the presents. 

Eliza gets mostly clothes and science stuff. Alex gets almost all things in black. From Lena, she gets a black hoodie and from Kara, she gets oil for her car she's planning on buying someday. From her mother, she gets black boots. 

Kara got all kinds of typical Kara things. From Alex, she gets a gift card from one of the restaurants in the village. From Eliza, she gets a new water bottle because she dropped her last one. From Lena, she gets the best present. She gets a drawing of them together. It's drawn in black and white but it makes the details pop and it's framed in a photo frame. She also gets a gift card for Disney plus. Lena remembered Kara telling her she wanted that. 

Lena gets also really great gifts that fit her well. From Eliza and Alex, she gets multiple books. Somehow they all got books she haven't read before. From Kara, she got a record player and the lp from Lorde. And yes, Kara went over her budget but she didn't care. Anything for her girl. 

After the presents, they sit at the table and eat the Christmas breakfast Eliza made all by herself. She baked bread and muffins, made soup, eggs, and many more delicious things. While eating the fireplace crisps and you can hear the Christmas music in the background. 

After breakfast, Kara and Lena are pretty full. Everyone is now getting dressed. They are going to the village square. It's always fun there with Christmas. There are a lot of choirs and you can drink and eat delicious things. But first, everyone takes a shower and dresses up. 

Kara grabs a bunch of Christmas sweaters from her closet. She drops them on the bed. Just right beside where Lena is sitting. 'You can pick one. You have to be in style this Christmas. I assume you don't have one.' 

Lena laughs. 'True, this one will be fine. I'm gonna go take a shower now.' She says. But she gets stopped by Kara kissing her. The kissing goes on and on. Lena breaks it after a bit. 

'Darling, I love this but I do have to shower.' Lena says. 

'Let's just shower together. It's more convenient.' Kara smirks. 

'You sure?' Lena asks. 

Kara nods. 

! little bit of fluff warning!

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